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Screening for Suitability as a Tenant [24 CFR 982.307] <br />SARA has no liability or responsibility to the owner for the family's behavior or suitability for <br />tenancy. SARA will not conduct additional screening to determine whether an applicant is likely <br />to be a suitable tenant. <br />The owner is responsible for screening and selection of the family to occupy the owner's unit. <br />SARA will inform the owner that screening and selection for tenancy is the responsibility of the <br />owner. An owner may consider a family's history with respect to factors such as: payment of <br />rent and utilities, caring for a unit and premises, respecting the rights of other residents to the <br />peaceful enj oyment of their housing, criminal activity that is a threat to the health, safety or <br />property of others, and compliance with other essential conditions of tenancy. <br />HUD requires SARA to provide prospective owners with the family's current and prior address <br />(as shown in PHA records) and the name and address (if known) of the owner at the family's <br />current and prior addresses. HUD permits SARA to provide owners with additional information, <br />as long as families are notified that the information will be provided, and the same type of <br />information is provided to all owners. <br />SARA may not disclose to the owner any confidential information provided in response to a <br />request for documentation of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking except at the written <br />request or with the written consent of the individual providing the documentation [24 CFR <br />5.2007(a)(4)] . <br />SARA will inform owners of their responsibility to screen prospective tenants, and will provide <br />owners with the required known name and address information, at the time of the initial HQS <br />inspection or before. SARA will not provide any additional information to the owner, such as <br />tenancy history, criminal history, etc. <br />3-III.E. CRITERIA FOR DECIDING TO DENY ASSISTANCE <br />Evidence [24 CFR 982.553(c)] <br />SARA will use the concept of the preponderance of the evidence as the standard for making all <br />admission decisions. <br />Preponderance of the evidence is defined as evidence which is of greater weight or more <br />convincing than the evidence which is offered in opposition to it; that is, evidence which as a <br />whole shows that the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not. Preponderance of the <br />evidence may not be determined by the number of witnesses, but by the greater weight of all <br />evi ence. <br />Consideration of Circumstances [24 CFR 982.552(c)(2)] <br />HUD authorizes SARA to consider all relevant circumstances when deciding whether to deny <br />assistance based on a family's past history except in the situations for which denial of assistance <br />is mandated (see Section 3-III.B). <br />SARA will consider the following factors prior to making its decision: <br />The seriousness of the case, especially with respect to how it would affect other residents <br />The effects that denial of assistance may have on other members of the family who were <br />not involved in the action or failure <br />Page 3 -19 <br />~~02~2012 <br />