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The family will be notified of a decision to deny assistance in writing within 14 days of the <br />determination. <br />If SARA uses a criminal record or sex offender registration information obtained under 24 CFR <br />5, Subpart J, as the basis of a denial, a copy of the record must precede the notice to deny, with <br />an opportunity for the applicant to dispute the accuracy and relevance of the information before <br />SARA can move to deny the application. In addition, a copy of the record must be provided to <br />the subj ect of the record [24 CFR 5.903 (~ and 5.905(4)] . SARA must give the family an <br />opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevance of that record, in the informal review process <br />in accordance with program requirements [24 CFR 982.553(4)]. <br />If based on a criminal record or sex offender registration information, an applicant family <br />appears to be ineligible SARA will notify the family in writing of the proposed denial and <br />provide a copy of the record to the applicant and to the subj ect of the record. The family will be <br />given 14 days to dispute the accuracy and relevance of the information. If the family does not <br />contact SARA to dispute the information within that 14-day period, SARA will proceed with <br />issuing the notice of denial of admission. A family that does not exercise their right to dispute the <br />accuracy of the information prior to issuance of the official denial letter will still be given the <br />opportunity to do so as part of the informal review process. <br />Notice requirements related to denying assistance to noncitizens are contained in Section 3-II.B. <br />Notice policies related to denying admission to applicants who may be victims of domestic <br />violence, dating violence, or stalking are contained in Section 3-III.G. <br />3-III.G. PROHIBITION AGAINST DENIAL OF ASSISTANCE TO VICTIMS OF <br />DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, DATING VIOLENCE, AND STALKING [24 CFR Part 5, <br />Subpart L] <br />The Violence against Women Act of 2005 (VAWA) and the HUD regulation at 24 CFR <br />5.2005(b) prohibit Has from denying an applicant admission to the HCV program "on the basis <br />that the applicant is or has been a victim of domestic violence dating violence, or staling, if the <br />applicant otherwise qualifies for assistance or admission." <br />Definitions of key terms used in VAWA are provided in section 16-IX of this plan, where <br />general VAWA requirements and policies pertaining to notification, documentation, and <br />confidentiality are also located. <br />Notification <br />SARA Policy <br />SARA acknowledges that a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking may <br />have an unfavorable history (e.g., a poor credit history, a record of previous damage to an <br />apartment, a prior arrest record) that would warrant denial under the SARA policies. <br />Therefore, if SARA makes a determination to deny assistance to an applicant family, <br />SARA will include in its notice of denial the VAWA information described in section 16- <br />IX.C ofthis plan and will request that an applicant wishing to claim protection under <br />VAWA notify SARA within 14 days. <br />Page 3 -21 <br />~~02~2012 <br />