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Such criteria shall include a requirement that a student attending such school outside <br />the United States is ineligible for loans made, insured, or guaranteed under part B of <br />subchapter IV of this chapter unless- <br />(i) In the case of a graduate medical school located outside the United States- <br />(I)(aa) At least 60 percent of those enrolled in, and at least 60 percent of the <br />graduates of, the graduate medical school outside the United States were not <br />persons described in section 1091(a)(5) of this title in the year preceding the <br />year for which a student is seeking a loan under part B of subchapter IV of <br />this chapter; and <br />(bb) At least 60 percent of the individuals who were students or graduates of the <br />graduate medical school outside the United States or Canada (both nationals <br />of the United States and others) taking the examinations administered by the <br />Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates received a passing <br />score in the year preceding the year for which a student is seeking a loan <br />under part B of subchapter IV of this chapter; or <br />(II) The institution has a clinical training program that was approved by a State as <br />of January 1,1992; or <br />(ii) In the case of a veterinary school located outside the United States that does not <br />meet the requirements of section 1001(a)(4) of this title, the institution's students <br />complete their clinical training at an approved veterinary school located in the <br />United States. <br />(B) Advisory panel <br />(i) In general. For the purpose of qualifying as an institution under paragraph (1)(C) <br />of this subsection, the Secretary shall establish an advisory panel of medical <br />experts that shall- <br />(I) Evaluate the standards of accreditation applied to applicant foreign medical <br />schools; and <br />(II) Determine the comparability of those standards to standards for accreditation <br />applied to United States medical schools. <br />(ii) Special rule if the accreditation standards described in clause (i) are determined <br />not to be comparable, the foreign medical school shall be required to meet the <br />requirements of section 1001 of this title. <br />(C) Failure to release information. The failure of an institution outside the United States <br />to provide, release, or authorize release to the Secretary of such information as may <br />be required by subparagraph (A) shall render such institution ineligible for the <br />purpose of part B of subchapter IV of this chapter. <br />(D) Special rule. If, pursuant to this paragraph, an institution loses eligibility to participate <br />in the programs under subchapter IV of this chapter and part C of subchapter I of <br />chapter 34 of title 42, then a student enrolled at such institution may, notwithstanding <br />such loss of eligibility, continue to be eligible to receive a loan under part B while <br />Page 3 -26 <br />~~02~2012 <br />