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SARA uses the following local preference system: <br />• Live/Work Preference -- Residency preference for families who live or work in the <br />jurisdiction at time of application (proof must be provided, e.g. utility bills, bank <br />statements, paycheck stubs, etc at their eligibility interview appointment). <br />• United States Veteran Preference -- United States veterans or surviving spouses and <br />dependent children of a United States veteran, or active military personnel, their spouse <br />and their dependent children. Form DD 214 with an Honorable Discharge, or equivalent <br />verification, must be provided at the time of orientation. <br />• Graduates of Transitional Housing Preference -- Graduates of transitional housing <br />programs whose agency has entered into a MOU with SARA to provide one year of <br />support services to the participants after lease-up, not to exceed ten (10) vouchers per <br />fiscal year. <br />Additionally, SARA will offer a preference to any family that has been terminated from its HCV <br />program due to insufficient program funding. <br />Income Targeting Requirement [24 CFR 982.201(b)(2)] <br />HUD requires that extremely low-income (ELI) families make up at least 75% of the families <br />admitted to the HCV program during SAHA's fiscal year. ELI families are those with annual <br />incomes at or below 30% of the area median income. To ensure this requirement is met, a PHA <br />may skip non-ELI families on the waiting list in order to select an ELI family. <br />Low income families admitted to the program that are "continuously assisted" under the 1937 <br />Housing Act [24 CFR 982.4(b)], as well as low-income ormoderate-income families admitted to <br />the program that are displaced as a result of the prepayment of the mortgage or voluntary <br />termination of an insurance contract on eligible low-income housing, are not counted for income <br />targeting purposes [24 CFR 982.201(b)(2)(v)]. <br />SARA will monitor progress in meeting the ELI requirement throughout the fiscal year. <br />Extremely low-income families will be selected ahead of other eligible families on an as-needed <br />basis to ensure the income targeting requirement is met. <br />Order of Selection <br />SARA system of preferences will select families either according to the date and time of <br />application. When selecting families from the waiting list PHAs are required to use targeted <br />funding to assist only those families who meet the specified criteria, and PHAs are not permitted <br />to skip down the waiting list to a family that it can afford to subsidize when there are not <br />sufficient funds to subsidize the family at the top of the waiting list [24 CFR 982.204(4) and (e)]. <br />Families will be selected from the waiting list based on the targeted funding or selection <br />preference(s) for which they qualify, and in accordance with SAHA's hierarchy of preferences, if <br />applicable. Within each targeted funding or preference category, families will be selected on a <br />first-come, first-served basis according to the date and time their complete application is received <br />by SARA. Documentation will be maintained by SARA as to whether families on the list qualify <br />for and are interested in targeted funding. If a higher placed family on the waiting list is not <br />qualified or not interested in targeted funding, there will be a notation maintained so that SARA <br />does not have to ask higher placed families each time targeted selections are made. <br />~~02~12 Page 4-8 <br />