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The family must provide the information necessary to establish the family's eligibility and <br />determine the appropriate level of assistance, as well as completing required forms, providing <br />required signatures, and submitting required documentation. If any materials are missing, SARA <br />will provide the family with a written list of items that must be submitted. <br />Any required documents or information that the family is unable to provide at the interview must <br />be provided within 14 days of the interview (Chapter 7 provides details about longer submission <br />deadlines for particular items, including documentation of Social Security numbers and eligible <br />noncitizen status). If the family is unable to obtain the information or materials within the <br />required time frame, the family may request an extension. If the required documents and <br />information are not provided within the required time frame (plus any extensions), the family <br />will be sent a notice of denial (See Chapter 3). <br />An advocate, interpreter, or other assistant may assist the family with the application and the <br />interview process. <br />Interviews maybe conducted in English, Spanish or Vietnamese. <br />If the family is unable to attend a scheduled interview, the family must contact SARA in advance <br />of the interview to schedule a new appointment. In all circumstances, if a family does not attend <br />a scheduled interview, SARA will send another notification letter removing the family from the <br />waiting list. Family will have 14 days to request a review if they don't agree with the decision. <br />Applicants who fail to attend two scheduled interviews without SARA approval will be denied <br />assistance based on the family's failure to supply information needed to determine eligibility. A <br />notice of denial will be issued in accordance with policies contained in Chapter 3. <br />4-III.G COMPLETING THE APPLICATION PROCESS <br />SARA must verify all information provided by the family (see Chapter 7). Based on verified <br />information, SARA must make a final determination of eligibility (see Chapter 3) and must <br />confirm that the family qualified for any special admission, targeted admission, or selection <br />preference that affected the order in which the family was selected from the waiting list. <br />If SARA determines that the family is ineligible, SARA will send written notification of the <br />ineligibility determination within 14 days of the determination. The notice will specify the <br />reasons for ineligibility, and will inform the family of its right to request an informal review <br />(Chapter 16). <br />If a family fails to qualify for any criteria that affected the order in which it was selected from <br />the waiting list (e.g. targeted funding, extremely low-income preferences), the family will be <br />returned to the waiting list. SARA will notify the family in writing that it has been returned to <br />the waiting list, and will specify the reasons for it. <br />If SARA determines that the family is eligible to receive assistance, SARA will invite the family <br />to attend a briefing in accordance with the policies in Chapter 5. <br />4-III.H. QUALITY CONTROL (24 CFR 985.2) <br />Designated SARA supervisory personnel will conduct Quality Control (QC) reviews of the <br />selection from the waiting list and eligibility process. Number of reviews will, at a minimum, <br />conform to HUD requirements. <br />~~02~12 Page 4-11 <br />