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Generally, the head of household is required to attend the briefing. If the head of household is <br />unable to attend, SARA may approve another adult family member to attend the briefing. <br />Families that attend group briefings and still need individual assistance will be referred to an <br />appropriate SARA staff person. <br />Briefings will be conducted in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. For other limited English <br />proficient (LEP) applicants, SARA will provide translation services in accordance with SAHA's <br />procedures. <br />Notification and Attendance <br />Families will be notified of their eligibility for assistance at the time they are invited to attend a <br />briefing. The notice will identify who is required to attend the briefing, as well as the date and <br />time of the scheduled briefing. <br />If the notice is returned by the post office with no forwarding address, a notice of denial (see <br />Chapter 3) will be sent to the family's address of record, as well as to any alternate address <br />provided on the initial application, and they will be removed from the wait list. <br />If the notice is returned by the post office with a forwarding address, a notice will be re-sent to <br />the address indicated. <br />Applicants who fail to attend a scheduled briefing will automatically be scheduled for a final <br />briefing. SARA will notify the family of the date and time of the second scheduled briefing. <br />Applicants who fail to attend two scheduled briefings, without SARA approval, will be denied <br />assistance (see Chapter 3) and removed from the wait list. <br />Oral Briefing [24 CFR 982.301(a)] <br />Each briefing must provide information on the following subjects: <br />• How the Housing Choice Voucher program works; <br />• Family and owner responsibilities; <br />• Where the family can lease a unit, including renting a unit inside or outside SAHA's <br />jurisdiction; <br />• For families eligible under portability, an explanation of portability. SARA will not <br />discourage eligible families from moving under portability; <br />• For families living inhigh-poverty census tracts, an explanation of the advantages of moving <br />to areas outside ofhigh-poverty concentrations; and <br />Briefing Packet [24 CFR 982.301(b)] <br />Documents and information provided in the briefing packet must include the following: <br />The term of the voucher, and SAHA's policies on any extensions or suspensions of the term. <br />If SARA allows extensions, the packet must explain how the family can request an <br />extension. <br />• A description of the method used to calculate the housing assistance payment for a family, <br />including how SARA determines the payment standard for a family, how SARA determines <br />Page 5-2 <br />~~02~ 12 <br />