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SECTION 8.1t PEOPLE CENTRALTM <br />4. LABOR RELATIONS <br />Provide a response to the following questions: <br />a. Charactertze your company's labor relations prograrn and union representation. <br />Central Parking has various locations throughout the Company that are unionized and <br />maintains a good working relationship with various Teamsters, SEIU and UFCW locals <br />throughout the Western Region. We have tremendous experience in dealing with un- <br />ions and endeavor to work harmoniously. <br />r. Are the emplovees who evrll be staffing City facilities currently represented by a rec <br />ognized labor union or governed by a collective bargaining agreement? <br />Yes, the employees are represented by a Union and there is a collective bargaining <br />agreement in place. <br />n. Which urrion or association is recognized? <br />The Union representation is Teamsters 911 and we have maintained a good relation- <br />ship with this Union for many years. <br />n!. IF there is a collective bargaining agreement, when is it scheduled to expire? <br />Current collective bargaining agreement is scheduled to expire on May 31. 2014. <br />b. In the past 3 years, has the company been involved in any labor representation or <br />collective bargaining disputes with one or more labor organizations? <br />In our relationship with the unions that have included primarily the Teamsters 911, <br />SEIU, Engineers and UFCW, we have never been involved in any labor representations <br />or collective bargaining disputes including the past three years. <br />C . In the past 3 nears. has the company been involved in any labor representation or <br />collective bargaining disputes with one or inore labor organizations? <br />Same answer as question (b) above. <br />UNION RELATIONS <br />Teamsters Local 911 currently represents the employees working at the City of Santa <br />Ana Parking Facilities contained in the RFP 12-060, Since 1990, Central Parking has <br />had an excellent relationship with Teamsters Local Union 911. Our employee work <br />force is over 500 employees in Southern California with the largest employee base <br />that is recognized by this union working at LAX Airport. This large labor pool will allow <br />us to provide trained employees at each level of the operation. This ensures that each <br />location will be properly staffed and managed even in times of special circumstances <br />and ernergencies i.e., employee illness, vacat ons, and additional staffing for special <br />events. <br />25A-101 <br />Page 1 <br />