<br />The business adage, "People are a company's greatest asset", has been modified by Central Parking System, Inc, to read:
<br />-The Right peoale are a company's greatest asset". With over 26,000 employees representing our clients at facilities
<br />across the United States, we have developed a comprehensive employee recruitment, selection, training, motivation, and
<br />development program we call PeopleCentral'"r. It is crucial to put our best talent into the right positions at your facilities.
<br />We recruit and train employees with qualities such as good character, integrity, loyalty, trust and the right attitude. This
<br />allows us to provide our clients with employees that are able to successfully perform their jobs.
<br />Central Parking vies for talent in a competitive environment. To continue o recruit and retain the best resources to serve
<br />our clients, we have developed a comprehensive employee recruitment, selection, training and motivation process specific
<br />to the parking industry. The following provides an outline of our human resources employment practices and our employee
<br />orientation programs. We believe the City of Santa Ana will find that our practices will meet and exceed those outlined by
<br />this RFP. In adcition to the stringent background checks that all employees must go through before receiving a job offer,
<br />we can comply with the requirements of Live Scan Background checks.
<br />An "Ambassador's Approach" to Public Parking - We will use a proactive Ambassador's Approach to enhance customer
<br />service at each of the Downtown parking facilities, while partnering with the City. local businesses, residents and visitors,
<br />in administering and delivering the City parking management program. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed
<br />to personal and professional advancement, aided by advanced training and customer service initiatives, which give our
<br />Parking Personnel a distinct advantage in dealing with the general public in Southern California. We will positively
<br />promote the City image of public parking while maximizing its parking revenues. We are confident that our operational
<br />efficiencies, as outlined in the body of this proposal, will produce exemplay levels of parking customer service for visitors,
<br />guests, jurors, employees, and stakeholders, while minimizing operational costs, and enhancing revenues.
<br />Central Parking has developed Training programs geared to prepare and mentor our staff prior to going out in the field. Our
<br />numerous nearby operations will serve as an added training ground by which we can team our new Ambassadors in Santa
<br />Ana with seasoned veterans for field training. This will allow for the new employees to learn and to ask questions in the
<br />field and apply the tools learned in our two classroom training sessions which were developed solely for use in our Ambas-
<br />sador Program. These two training sessions are in addition to New Hire Orientation and Customer Service Training ses-
<br />sions. Next our staff completes our Ambassador Orientation and Conflict Resolution Training. This training introduces the
<br />new Ambassador to the community in which they will be working. History of the City, destinations and other facts about the
<br />community are taught. Also, as the name suggests, this program is geared for classroom as well as role playing scenarios
<br />to assist our employees with conflict resoluticn techniques and proven methods of dealing with upset customers.
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<br />Central is committed to using technology to streamline our processes, increase efficiencies, ensure compliance and
<br />reduce expenses in all areas, and hiring is no exception. After testing the Pangea/GIS system in select markets, we are
<br />rolling out the system companywide. The Pangea Talent Acquisition Suite gives Central the competitive advantage in the
<br />hiring game. Pangea is a single web -based platform, built on an advanced architecture to provide unrivaled configurability
<br />and efficiencies in corporate hiring programs. Pangea offers Central, and our clients, one unified and successful talent
<br />acquisition solution. With Pangea, applicants apply for jobs via a web -link found in the job posting. This eliminates the
<br />need for handwritten applications in which data needs to be keyed in and can easily be misread. When applicants enter
<br />their information on their own in to Pangea and pass an initial screening process, they can easily progress through the
<br />process with e -verification and tracking. Prescreening questions are automatically evaluated, reducing the tune previously
<br />spent manually reviewing unqualified applicants. Pangea's databases are instrumental in theft and accident reduction,
<br />through the elimination of hiring known, high-risk employees. In addition, Pangea puts Central Parking in a position of
<br />increased legal compliance, including adherence with discrimination laws and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
<br />25A-103
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