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HRC FULL PACKET 2012-04-05
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Historic Resources Commission (2009-Present)
HRC FULL PACKET 2012-04-05
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HRCA No. 2012-01 <br />HRC No. 2012-01 <br />April 5, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />The DPR for the final EIR for the TAVA Development project concluded that the Sexlinger site was <br />eligible for inclusion on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Chapter 30 of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Gode {SAMC) Section 30-2, Criterion fi: "Buildings or structures that were <br />connected with a business or use which was once common, but is now rare" (Exhibit 3). However, <br />the analysis did not conclude that the property was eligible for the State or National historic <br />registers. <br />Analysis of the Issues <br />In March 1999, the City Council approved an ordinance establishing the Historic Resources <br />Commission and the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties. The Historic Resources <br />Commission may, by resolution and at a noticed public hearing, designate as historical property any <br />building or part thereof, object, structure, or site having importance to the history or architecture of <br />the city in accordance with the criteria set forth in section 30-2. <br />Specifically the property, object, structure or site must be at least 50 years old and must meet one or <br />more of a set of eligibility criteria. The Sexlinger farmhouse and orchard meet the minimum <br />selection criteria of being 50 years or older and further meet the criteria listed under 30-2, Criterion <br />6, pertaining to buildings or structures that were connected with a business or use which was once <br />common, but is now rare. According to the Cultural Resources section of the Draft EIR prepared for <br />the TAVA development project, the Sexlinger property is the last intact orange grove in Santa Ana <br />remaining from the period of time when orange growing was the predominant business and land use <br />in this area (TAVA Development Project; Revised Cultural Resources Section Draft Environmental <br />Report, p. 5; December 2011). As such, the Sexlinger property meets criteria 30-2 (a}{6}. <br />Following the establishment of eligibility the code provides criteria for the level of categorization; <br />Landmark, Key or Contributive. In this case staff recommends that the property be listed in the <br />"Key" category based on its compliance with Section 30-2.2 (2}(b} which pertains to buildings, <br />structures, objects or sites that are characteristic of a significant period in the history of the city. <br />Orange growing was once a predominant industry and land use in Santa Ana and exemplifies an <br />important period in the City's history. <br />Although Chapter 30 of the SAMC allows for designation of resources that are connected with a <br />land use that was once common, but now rare, the commission has not used this finding in previous <br />designations. Of the mare than 400 properties currently listed on the SARHP none are for sites as a <br />whole, but only for the structure on the site. In these cases, changes to the landscape may be <br />made without the need to comply with the City's standards for historic preservation because they da <br />not affect the structure. However, listing the Sexlinger farmhouse and orchard entails maintaining <br />the structures, as well as the presence of orange trees in the existing landscape design. This is an <br />
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