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2010/11-2014-15 CITY OF SANTA ANA CONSOLIDATED PLAN SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT <br />AMENDMENTS <br />The City is proposing to amend the consolidated plan to allow for the following strategies under <br />the Strategic Plan component: <br />Housing Priority Needs Strategies <br />CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOAL # H10 - ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION <br />Priority Need Rating - High City Goal - Sustain Affordable Housing <br />Implementation Strategy - Acquire property for development of housiniff <br />HUD Objective - Decent Housing HUD Outcome - A ability <br />Inputs - Federal - CDBG and HOME AMW <br />5 Year Output 5 Year Ou e <br />Projects <br />1 <br />'A 1. In a the City's supply o able rental <br />h g <br />ir 1%60r <br />Economic Development Priority Needs Strategies <br />CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOAL # E1- ECONO C DEVELOPME <br />Priority Need Rating -High City Goal omic Development <br />Implementation Strategy-Assist business o p crea <br />HUD Objective - Create Economic Opportu s e -Availability/Accessibility <br />Inputs - Federal - CDBG <br />5 Year Output 5 Year Outcome <br />Jobs <br />Extremely Low (0%-30%) 1. Create 50 jobs. <br />Very Low (31%-50%) <br />Low (51%-80%) <br />Moderate (80%-120% <br />Above Mode _ <br />Total so <br />CONSOL D PLAN GOA D3 - PLANNING <br />Priority Ne ting - Hi City Goal - Develop strategies to promote <br />community development. <br />0 <br />Implementation - Funding will for planning activities which consist of all costs of data <br />gathering, studies, a alysis and preparation of plans and the identification of actions that will <br />implement such plans. <br />HUD Objective - Suitable Living Environment HUD Outcome - Sustainability <br />Inputs - Federal - CDBG <br />5 Year Output 5 Year Outcome <br />Proiects <br />1 1. Development of a strategic plan. <br />03/14/2013 <br />SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT <br />29A-111