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CPMP Version 2.0 Grantee Name: Santa Ana, CA <br />Project Name: I CU of Santa Ana - Planning - 2013 <br />Description: IDIS Project #: UOG Code: CA63342 SANTA ANA <br />CDBG funding will for planning activities which consist of all costs of data gathering, studies, analysis and preparation of <br />plans and the identification of actions that will implement such plans. <br />Location: Priori Need Category <br />20 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana <br />CA 92701 PllannkVffidn?n <br />Select one: <br />Explanation: <br />Expected Completion Date: Funding to assist in the preparation of plans su mic development strategic <br />6/30/2014 plan, Housing Element plan, etc... <br />Objective Category <br />O Decent Housing <br />O Suitable Living Environment <br />O Economic Opportunity <br />cific Ob' s <br />Outcome Categories W <br />Availability/Accessibility <br />? Affordability 2 - - - ---- -- <br />? Sustainability <br />' <br />3 <br />- <br />H Acoonpl. Type: w Proposed NA . T <br />Underway <br />> 47 Com <br />E <br />d <br />Aooonp6 Type IF Aaoontpl. Type <br />A <br />v <br />d a <br />'o E <br />d v AaaarpL Type: Amorro. Type 1w <br />a <br />Pro ose ormance Measure Actual Outcome <br />Maintain prg in @ a leve eview onitoring reports. <br />ensure no ndings <br />20 P WT*ig qw Matrix Codes <br />Matrix Codes -- _-_ -- <br />Mb( Codes <br />Matribx Codes V ' Matruc Codes - <br /> CDBG -w Proposed Amt. $ 100,000.00 Fund <br />L Actual Amount <br /> <br />0 Find Source: 1w Fund Soum <br />E <br />M Aooort??l. Type Acoonpl. Type <br />G1 <br />O <br />L. <br />Aaaornpl. Type <br />Aaaxatpl. Type <br /> Airvw?J T.?. ? <br />T'• . YY <br />A==". Type <br />01/31/13 71 Exhibit 3 <br />29A-128