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"PMP Version ?.C Grantee Name: Santa Ana, CA <br />Project Name: Cit of Santa Ana PD -GRIP Program <br />Description: IRIS Project #: UOG Code: CA63342 SANTA ANA <br />CDBG funds will be used to support gang intervention and enforcement program. Activity will be based in Low/Moderate <br />income areas. Program qualifies as for Low/Moderate-Area Benefit per 24 CFR 570.208 (a) (1). National Objective: <br />Low-/Moderate-Income Benefit - Areawide Benefit 570.208 (a) (1). <br />Location: Priority Need Category <br />Low/Mod Area - -- <br />Public Services <br /> Select one: -- - --- -- - <br /> Explanation: <br />Expected Completion Date: Low/Mod Areas: County: 06059 <br />6/30/2014 * Kennedy Elementary CT: 746.02 BG:1,2,3,4,5; CT: 745.01 BG1,2,3,4; CT: 745.02 <br />Objective Category BG:1; CT:744.03 BG1.2 <br />O Decent Housing * Diamond Elementary CT: 747.01 BG:1,2,3 <br />OO Suitable Living Environment <br />O Economi <br />O <br />t <br />it <br />c <br />ppor <br />un <br />y S <br />i <br />Ob <br /> pecif <br />c <br />jectives <br />Outcome Categories Improve the services for low/mod income persons <br />? Availability/Accessibilit <br />y <br />C Affordabili <br />2 <br />(] Sustainability ' <br /> 3 <br />to <br />01 People L <br />Proposed 36,377 Accompl. Type: <br />++ <br />C Underway <br />O Complete <br />E <br /> <br /> <br />4 Accompl. Type: <br />Accompl. Type: <br />2 <br />U . <br />? a <br />o E <br />L. <br /> <br />C. Accom 1 T Type: <br />P • yp <br />Accompl. Type: <br />Q <br />Proposed Outcome Performance Measure Actual Outcome <br />Eliminate 1 condition that Ensure improvements are constructed <br />contributes to neighborhood blight to an adequate standard to eliminate <br /> blighting condition for at least 10 years <br />05 Public Services (General) 570.201(e) . Matrix Codes <br />Matrix Codes . Matrix Codes <br />Matrix Codes . Matrix Codes <br />d CDBG 1W Proposed Amt. $ 160,000 Fund Source: <br />L Actual Amount <br />m <br />w <br />Fund Source: w <br />Fund Source: <br />E <br />A Accompl. Type: Accompl. Type: <br />O) <br />O <br />a <br />Accompl. Type: <br />Accompl. Type: ' W <br />4/22/13 79 <br />Exhibit 3 <br />29A-84