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?.+o= y ?? :n <-7 o.zn %:y'P:3's (ca ?.nr) l?'1 o:x7'c.P•S'1 , 1-no .,..nAr onK,n <br />CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. <br />' This certlfles that STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington,, Illinois .. <br />El FARM GENERAL I.N.SURANG.E?.GO.MPANY, Bloomtogtan,:lllinois - <br />STATE FARM ?FIRE-AND"CASUALTY ?COMPANY, rScarborough,.Ontario <br />E STATE FARM"FLORIDA INSURANCE:.COMPANY,: Wimer Haven, Florida <br />'.: <br />11 STATE FARM.LLOYDS, .gaflas .Toy <br />as <br />Insures 4he following p4licyholderfor fI c-overages indicated pelow: _. ' <br />Name of policyholder. G5 -Ca.7aPorrif.:a:7lowxnq:Inc <br />- ? ? ?-•.. ? -.? <br />AddreSSofpoilcyholder- 2202.w stn st,.santa ,,rnk,,,c3-.9z7.os <br />LgCatlDn of operahon3 same.. as above. <br />' <br />DefiCflph4n DfO eraYwnS. .. Tbw SeIY 1l.B <br />P. <br />. "Tile,pa+icies listed below have been issued to the pglicyholder•far'.the policy periods showri.?-The }nSUrarjde described in these policies, is <br />^sabiect to all the teems ekolusions, and conditions of those. potiPles,The limits of Iiability sh4Wn maY have been reduced by any paid.dai(ns. " <br />. .......P.OL,ICYPERIQA.?,.. ?LIMI.TS:OF:LIABILITY:'? <br />- POLIC.YNUMB(:R TYP.£.OFINSURANCE E(tectlliet]ate <br />E1ryi"Irahun pate (at'6e Inns <br />. .9 ngpfpappy:pcHUdj <br />.. ..Comprehensive. - ...... .. .. .: BODILYINJURY AND` .. <br />Business LrablUty _ PROPERTY,DAMAGE <br />" "Thrs insurance Includes: ? .L:1 products.-Completed Operations ? ? " ??" ? ? - ? • ? ?? <br />0 CogtractiedLiabilftY ? ? .. ? ? . <br />. ... ......Ll Underground :Hazar.d.Govotage .... Each 9ccurrence $ <br />.. ID Advo lisindInlury. <br />, <br />- fl Explgslpn.Hazard. Coverage <br />, Q Operations, Aggregate .. <br />POL <br />I(;Y.PERI0.4 •? ? BODILY INJURYANDpROPERT.Y..t7AMAGE-..: <br />EXGES3LIAE? ITY Effoadve'Date Expiration Dote ' jC:ombmedSjngleLimit) . <br />rella Each Occurrence $ <br />C3 Uinb. <br />,. <br />Other Aggregate: $ ... <br />':art t STATUTORY <br />..: Part,2 @ODIt.Y.1NJURY .. - ... <br />Workers Compansstlon : - <br />,. - : - and.EmpIwors Liab!Ilty.. Each Accident - $ :. ... <br />... ? .... ,., ... <br />,Disease Poiioy'Limit .. $ '. <br />POLICY PERiQ4. LIMITS OF LIABILITY <br />POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE Effective Date Exp1 atSon Date <br />{at be mnln oP ollc <br />., . _ gi . g P. y period}. . <br />Y. 4.6IX9/2412. 46 19/207.3:.. -SINN SINGLE.:LTONTO _ED To <br />;0s. 2803..-F21-75 TrUCIC •Laab'kait ., <br />: _ ,. _...?.. ? ?.... -, .. '?... ? ., ?, ., .. _..._ $a..,?ooo, coMir/.;a,i. coq.-cokL?-.'-. •. ?".... ..? <br />7 THE GERTIFICATE?OFJNSURANCE 1S NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NIEITHER'AFFIRMATIVELY NOR.NEG'ATIVELY , . <br />AMENDS; EXTENDS OR, ALTERS: THE`COVERAGE AP.PRQYEp BY ANY'PPLICY DES..KIE3 D HEREIN. " <br />-: E68Y2".T. viri# ix8CDl39x4R.D3.37.692 If any, of the. described. policies are canceled :hefore, . <br />2003::zNxERNAT xinlf:IHTM14AAM63.H.5a%,a7n its, <br />0 ;S3ate. Farm.witltrytomaiLawritlen.,. <br />: :.2008 .FQXd F,55.Yi.).j 1PAAr56Riii 8 § fi6 7. <br />notica:to,the _eerft,ote hotder.;ao..,days ,pefnre <br />oa <br />pcellatlon If however We tall to mall such nofte , <br />na a 40 <br />" nor tiabili wrH be.. imposed on State <br />Fa or s ago or. Ives. <br />, <br />Name and Address of Certiftcata Holder <br />Sgnattlre. of Authorized Representative <br />- <br />..'. ABDZTIDNAL XA78S7REI)-.... ... _ .. . <br />CXTY. OF-SANTA,ANA' .. .. A icnc J267xg1z <br />'SANTA ANA POLICE'AEPARTMENT od e S(amp <br />6q C]'u`I C. CLrN'1'?12 A'LAZA AP I T'°? r ? : 1'1,0 FO - RN„ AgenftC. _ Aate <br />SANTA 'MA 92701 <br />`"V1Wvu.wk V AFO AodQ Fa a>_ <br />- - .556894 B'S,. (14.7998, Printed in U S.H. .... t, aura A. Rossini <br />Assistant Gary Attorntly