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Councilmember Martinez noted that City of Huntington Beach supports fire <br />rings; concerned with perception of discrimination by not allowing all to <br />enjoy the public beaches. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento thanked Mayor for leadership on matter; <br />argument by SCAQMD difficult to make, opined that it is a property rights <br />issue; beaches are public amenity for all to enjoy; must protect right of <br />users; when purchasing by the beach potential buyers are well aware the <br />public beach is in close proximity. <br />Councilmember Benavides indicated that matter is regional issue; elected <br />officials ban together to support matter that will benefit economy as well. <br />Mayor Pulido noted that he and City of Huntington Beach Mayor held <br />meeting that was well attended; had many speakers most of which <br />supported the fire rings. Also, held meetings with mayors of Orange <br />County cities to discuss matter; concerned with Preliminary Report <br />findings; invited all to submit letters of support. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Tinajero expressed support for regional amenity that <br />allows for recreational and family bonding opportunities. <br />MOTION: Adopt a resolution <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2013-024 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA OPPOSING THE SOUTH COAST AIR <br />QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S (SCAQMD) PROPOSED <br />AMENDED RULE 444 PROHIBITING OPEN BURNING ON BEACHES <br />MOTION: Martinez SECOND: Sarmiento <br />VOTE: AYES: Amezcua, Benavides, Martinez, Reyna, <br />Pulido, Sarmiento, Tinajero (7) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSTAIN: None (0) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />CITY COUNCIL RECESSED TO A JOINT SESSION WITH THE HOUSING <br />AUTHORITY AGENCY AT 6:27 P.M. <br />80A AGMT NO. 2013-072 - JOINT ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL / <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY - LOAN AGREEMENT AND PROJECT-BASED <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 <br />MAY 20, 2013 <br />1 0A-9