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Settlement Agreement with La Estrellita for <br />Grand Avenue Widening Project <br />June 3, 2013 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />National Environmental Policy Act, an Environmental Assessment document with a Finding of No <br />Significant Impact was prepared for the proposed project and approved by the California <br />Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration in 2011. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Funds to cover the recommended settlement agreement payouts are appropriated in the Regional <br />Surface Transportation Program (Account 05917660-66220) and Transportation System <br />Improvement Area Fund (Account 99117950-66220). <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br />Rau Godinez II Francisco Gutierrez <br />Executive Directo Executive Director <br />Public Works Agency Finance & Management Services Agency rtwt._ <br />RG/KN <br />Exhibits: 1. Location Map <br />2. Agreement <br />25G-2