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MAY 13, 2013 <br />PAGE 2OF3 <br />11. The premises shall at all times be maintained as a bona-fide eating <br />establishment as defined in Section 23038 of the California Business and <br />Professions code and shall provide a menu containing an assortment of <br />foods normally offered. The premises must have suitable kitchen facilities <br />and supply an assortment of foods commonly ordered at various hours of <br />the day. <br />12. During those times when patrons are restricted to 21 years of age or older, <br />the applicant shall at all times utilize an age verification means or device for <br />all purchases of alcoholic beverages. <br />13. Queuing lines shall be managed in an orderly manner and all disruptive <br />and/or intoxicated patrons shall be denied entry. The business owner, or <br />his designee, shall be responsible for monitoring the queuing lines at all <br />times. <br />14. Any outdoor queuing line shall not block public walkways or obstruct the <br />entry or exit doors of adjacent businesses. Stanchions or barriers must be <br />used to maintain order at all times the queue exceeds 25 patrons and only <br />after Public Works Approval has been secured. <br />15. Employees and contract security personnel shall not consume any alcoholic <br />beverages during their work shift, except for product sampling for purposes <br />of employee education about new products. <br />16. There shall be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including window <br />signs or other signs. <br />17. Live Entertainment, including but not limited to, amplified music, karaoke, <br />performers and dancing, shall be prohibited or subject to the issuance of an <br />entertainment permit pursuant to Santa Ana Municipal Code ("SAMC") <br />Chapter 11 - Entertainment, and shall comply with all of the standards <br />contained therein. Notwithstanding this requirement, music/noise shall not <br />be audible beyond 20 feet from the exterior of the premises in any direction. <br />18. Neither the applicant, nor any person or entity operating the premises with <br />the permission of the applicant, shall violate the City's adult entertainment <br />ordinance contained in SAMC Section 12-1 and 12-2. <br />19. The premises shall not be operated as an adult entertainment business as <br />such term is defined in SAMC Section 41-1701.6. <br />Resolution No. 2013-06 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />31 A-18