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retaliation that will result in significant economic, physical or <br />other tangible harm; and <br />(10) Information that is otherwise prohibited from disclosure. <br />(e) Any violation of this section relating to calendars shall not be a <br />basis for any criminal prosecution. <br />SECTION 4. Section 2-157 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby added such that it <br />reads as follows (new and deleted language in underline and strikeout for tracking purposes only): <br />Sec. 2-157 -- Public Meetings related to City five-year Strategic Plan and Annual Budget <br />(a) City Strategic Plan-Creation and Public Hearings <br />(1) Not IateF thaR appFeval ef the annual budget begiRRing with the 201312014 <br />ffiSGal °r and-eueFy five ye efeafter-, Not later than the end of <br />Fiscal Year 2013/14 and at least every five years thereafter, the City <br />Manager shall prepare and submit to the City Council a strategic plan <br />setting forth the City's mission, core values, five year goals, detailed <br />measurable objectives and key performance measures. Prior to <br />submitting the strategic plan to the City Council, the City Manager will <br />conduct a public meeting to review a draft of the plan with the public and <br />receive input from the public regarding the plan. <br />(2) EaGh Septernbe , Each Fiscal Year the City Manager will conduct a public <br />meeting to present the City's five (5) year Strategic Plan to the community. <br />The purpose of the meeting will be to review the City's progress in <br />achieving its plan and goals with the community and to gain public input <br />on any issues related to the City's five (5) year Strategic Plan. <br />(b) Annual Budget Meetings. In connection with the preparation of the annual <br />budget, each March Fes and October co„+omhor OF ,,.,,,r, the ,,r;++e„' <br />request of at least 3n Gity Feside^City staff will conduct a community meeting <br />with neighborhood associations, community groups, and other members of the <br />public to present the budget and discuss the budget process and any other <br />issues related to the budget. If at least 30 or more city residents submit a written <br />request for additional meetings to discuss the budget the Finance Director shall <br />respond to the request and work with the a representative of the requesting <br />group to establish a date, time and place for a meeting.. <br />SECTION 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of <br />this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any <br />court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />5OA-5 Page 3 of 4