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FULL PACKET_2013-07-01
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2013-07-01
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4/6/2017 4:21:44 PM
Creation date
6/27/2013 5:04:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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SECOND AMENDMENT TO <br />LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT <br />THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into on July 1, 2013, by <br />and between Vista del Verde Landscape, Inc., a California corporation (hereinafter "Contractor") <br />and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under <br />the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"). <br />RECITALS: <br />A. The parties entered into that certain Agreement # A-2012-113, dated June 4, 2012, <br />(hereinafter "said Agreement") by which Contractor has provided landscape maintenance <br />services for City properties located in Santa Ana's District 3. <br />B. The current Agreement is scheduled to terminate on June 30, 2013. Contractor's proposal to <br />extend this Agreement under a new reduced scope was not acceptable. A Request for <br />Proposal will be released for District 3. <br />C. To allow City time to release an RFP, Contractor has agreed to provide landscape <br />maintenance services to District 3 pursuant to the Agreement through January 31, 2014. <br />WHEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained in said Agreement, and subject to all <br />the terms and conditions of said Agreement, except those amended in this Second Amendment to <br />Agreement, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. Section 3.a., COMPENSATION, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the <br />following: <br />"a. City agrees to pay and Contractor agrees to accept as total payment for its services, the <br />rates and charges identified in Contractor's fee schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B, and <br />incorporated by reference. The total sum to be expended under this Agreement shall not <br />exceed Three Hundred Seventy-Two Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars and Sixty- <br />Nine Cents ($372,453.69), plus a ten percent (10%) contingency for unanticipated and <br />emergency work, for a total not to exceed Four Hundred Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety- <br />Nine Dollars and Six Cents ($409,699.06) during the term of this Agreement." <br />2. Section 4, TERM, shall be delete in its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />"The Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2013 and terminate on January 31, 2014 unless <br />terminated earlier in accordance with Section 13, below. The City may terminate this <br />Agreement if the Santa Ana City Council fails to approve funding for the Agreement for any <br />fiscal year covered herein. The Agreement is made pending the issuance of a Request for <br />Proposals (RFP) and may not be renewed by either party." <br />3. Except as hereinabove amended, all terms and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in <br />full force and effect. <br /> <br />/// <br />25B-3
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