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For over three decades, the City of Santa Ana, private investors, business owners, various <br />organizations, and community residents have worked together to revitalize and promote urban <br />renewal in the downtown area while maintaining the historic and cultural traditions of the area. <br />Santa Ana's Downtown area is becoming widely known as a dynamic urban center acclaimed <br />for the arts, theaters, galleries, restaurants in the Artists Village, shopping along 4th Street, and <br />live /work housing accommodations. The downtown area also boasts numerous art deco style <br />historical buildings that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. <br />TRANSIT ZONING CODE <br />Though the YMCA site is not in the boundaries of the Transit Zoning Code, it is adjacent to the <br />boundaries where the code impacts future development of the Downtown. In 2010, the City <br />adopted Specific Development 84 (Transit Zoning Code), a comprehensive land use plan that <br />incorporates approximately 450 acres extending from Grand Avenue to the City's downtown <br />core. The Transit Zoning Code (TZC) is designed to provide the zoning necessary to support the <br />long -term development of a successful transit program. The completed document can be <br />viewed in its entirety at: http: / / /pba /planning /Transit Zoning Code.asp. <br />The Transit Zoning Code encourages the development of transit- oriented development <br />containing a mix of residential, commercial, and professional uses to achieve the City's and the <br />region's goals of establishing housing adjacent to transit. The Transit Zoning Code area is <br />primed for increased growth given its proximity to major transit systems and its adjacency to <br />existing residential communities, creating amenity- enriched connections between the <br />government center and rail station, and improving area -wide walkability. <br />2 I P a g Q <br />191 -10 <br />