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Growth scctctt <br />Work Description: YEAR 1 <br />Task A: Start Up Activities <br />December 2011- May 2012 <br />1. Form Steering Committee- <br />A. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate four planning meetings with all partners to <br />discuss project goals, outcomes and next steps. <br />B. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate one quarterly meeting to review program <br />progress and evaluate implementation areas that need improvement. <br />2. Hire Student Support Specialists- <br />A. Recruit, hire and train 2 Student Support Specialist for positions at Saddleback and Santa <br />Ana colleges. <br />3. Recruitment Plan- <br />A. Create and implement with the goal of recruiting 70 (35 per C.C.) students <br />4. Form Instructional Design Committee - <br />A. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate two planning meetings for the purpose of <br />developing and delivering Summer Orientation to Engineering with CSUF and partner <br />colleges for up to 70 students. <br />5. Start Up Activity Reports- <br />A. Submit 2 monthly reports, detailing activities, progress and outcomes. <br />Task B: Program Launch and Recruitment <br />June - September 2012 <br />1. Steering Committee- <br />A. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate up to two planning meetings to review <br />program progress and evaluate implementation areas that need improvement. <br />2. Instructional Design Committee- <br />A. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate up to three planning meetings to finalize <br />curriculum in order to deliver math, science and core subjects in 9 months including applied <br />mat workshops <br />B. Develop an agenda and prepare for and facilitate up to 3 meetings to ensure SSTI and UCI <br />up to 5 students receive credit. <br />3. Intake, Recruitment and Assessment- <br />A. Enroll and assess 70 (35 per C.C.) students. <br />B. Provide case management services for enrolled students. <br />Growth Sector Company 7 <br />wmw growthsector org