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Commercial General Liability <br />CGDUU112 07 <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of the unauthorized use ofanother's name or product in your e- <br />mail eddreua.domainnomemrmetabag.uranyotheroimi|artautioahomiu|oadanother'mpoLontim|oustomerm. <br />m. Pollution <br />"Personal and advertising irjury" arising out of the actuai alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, <br />seepage, migration, release nrescape nf"pmUutentm"atany time. <br />n.Poll ution-Re|ated <br />Any loss, cost orexpense arising out ofany: <br />(1) Request' dennand, order or statutory or regulatory requirement that any insured or others test for, <br />mandor, clean up, remove, oonhain, treat, detoxify or neutna|ize, or in any way respond to, or assess the <br />effects of, "poll uhantn''�,mr <br />(2) Claim or suit by or on behalf ofa governmental authority for damages because of testing for, momdohng, <br />cleaning up, m*mowing, oonhsining, tremdng, detoxifying or neutna|izimg, or in any way responding to, or <br />assessing the effects of. "pollutants". <br />o. War <br />"Personal and advertising injury", however caused, arising, direcfly or indirectly, out of: <br />(1) VVar, including undeclared mrcivil war; <br />(2) Warlike action by a mifitary force, including action in hindering or defending against an actual or expected <br />attack, byany government, sovereign orother authority using military personnel or other agents; or <br />(3) |mmurreotiom, nsbeUion, revo|utinn, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering <br />ordefending against any ufthese. <br />p.Distribution OfMaterial |nViolation Of Statutes <br />"Personal and advertising in]ury^ arising directly or indirectly out of any action or omission that violates or is <br />alleged to violate: <br />(1)The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA),including any amendment nforaddition tosuch |avv�or <br />(2) The CAN -SPAM Act of 2003,including any amendment of or addition to such law; or <br />(3) Any atatute, ordinance or megu|ebon, other than the TCPA or CAN -SPAM Act of 2003` that prohibits or <br />limits the semding, tmnsmdting, communicating or distribution of material or information. <br />COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS <br />1.Insuring Agreement <br />a.VVewiUpaywnediva|expenaenamdesoribedba�mwfor^bodi|yinjury^omusedbyanaocident: <br />(1)Onpremises you own ornant� <br />(2) On ways next to pnann�mea you own or rent; or <br />(3) Because nfyour operations; <br />provided that: <br />(a) The accident takes place in the "coverage territory" and during the policy period; <br />(b) The expenses are incurred and reported to us within one year of the date of the accident; and <br />(c) The injured person submits to examination, at our expense, by physicians of our choice as often as <br />wereasonably require. <br />b. We will make these payments maQard|eaa offauKt. These payments will not exceed the applicable limit of <br />insurance. VVewill pay reasonable expenses for: <br />(1) First aid administered atthe time ofunaccident; <br />(2) Necessary medical, aurgicm|, x-ray and dental oemicea, including pnoutheticdevioeo� and <br />(3) Necessary ambulance, hospitaI, professional nursing and funeral services. <br />2. Exclusions <br />Newill not pay expenses for "bodily injury": Reviewed by: <br />m.Any Insured <br />Toany insured, except "volunteer workers". <br />Silvia Cuevas jqli <br />CG0001 12O7 ISO Properties, Inc. ,2O0O P''~^`~^/Admin, Page 7nf16 <br />