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Commercial General Liability <br />CCS00M1 1207 <br />c. Any person or organization having proper temporary custody of your property if you die, buton�� <br />(1)WiUhrespect tuliability arising out ufthe maintenance oruwaofdhsdpropedy and <br />(2) Until your legal representative has been appointed. <br />d. Your |ogm| representative if you die, but only with respect to duties as such. That representative will have all <br />your rights and duties under this Coverage Part. <br />3. Any mrgan�zetion you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company, <br />and over which you maintain ownership or majority imtonawt, will qualify as m Named Insured if there is no other <br />similar insurance available to that organization. However: <br />m. Coverage under this provision in offmndod only until the 90th day after you acquire or form the organization o/ <br />the end ofthe policy period, whichever imearlier; <br />b. Coverage does not apply to"bodily injury' or "property damage" that occurred before you acquired or <br />formed the organization; and <br />c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and advertising irjury~ arising out ofen offense committed before <br />you acquired o/formed the organization. <br />No person or organization is an insured with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joint venture <br />urlimited liability company that ionot shown aoa Named Insured imthe Declarations. <br />SECTION III — LIMITS OF INSURANCE <br />1. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations and the rules below fix the most we will pay regarcl�ss of the <br />number of: <br />m.|nmuneds- <br />. <br />b. Claims made or "suits" brought; or <br />c. Persons nrorganizations making claims or bringing "suits". <br />2. The General Aggregate Limit iathe most wexaQpay for the sum of: <br />a.Medical expenses under Coverage C; <br />b.DamagesunderCowerege/\^exoeptdumegesbeouuaeuf'`budi|yirjury'mr°prmpertVdamego"ino|udedinthe <br />"produntm-oomp|otedoperations hazard^; and <br />o. Damages under Coverage B. <br />3. The Prod uota'Comp!eted Operations Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage Ahor damages <br />because of "bodily injury" and "property damage" included in the "products -completed operations hazard". <br />4. Subject to Paragraph 2. above, the Personal and Advertising Injury Limit is the most wewill pay under Coverage <br />Bfor the sum of all damages because of all "personal and advertising irjury" sustained by any one person or <br />organization, <br />5. Subject to Paragraph 2. or 3. above, whichever applies, the Each Occurrence Limit is the most we will pay for the <br />eumot <br />a, Damages under Coverage A;and <br />b.Medical expenses under Coverage C <br />beoauueofaU'^bodi|yirjmry" and'`propmrtydarnage"ahsinQomtofonyune^oomurnenos/' <br />G. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most mmwill pay under <br />Coverage Afor damages because of "property damage" to anyone premises, while rented to you, or in the case of <br />damage by fire, while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. <br />7. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the Medical Expense Limit in the most we will pay under Coverage C for all <br />medical expenses because nf"bodily irjuq/'sustained byany one person. <br />The Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part apply separately to each consecutive annual period and to any <br />remaining period of less than 12 months, starting with the beginning of the policy period shown in the Declarations, <br />unless the policy period is extended after issuance for an additional period of less than 12 months. In that case, the <br />additional period will be deemed port of the |am1 preceding period for purposes of determining the Limits of <br />Insurance. <br />GECT|C)N|V—COK8K8ERC|ALGENERAL LIABILITY COND|7l��NS Reviewed by' <br />1. Bamkruptoy <br />CG 00O1 12 07 0 ISO Properties, Inc.2000 PRCSA/Ar| 'p0e 10ot76 <br />