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PI -FW -006 (01/07) <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br />SEXUAL ABUSE ENDORSEMENT <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the ƒo|low�ng: <br />Commercial General Liability Coverage Part <br />PT �-511JU <br />Sexual Abuse Limits of Insurance <br />Sexual Abuse Each Occurrence Limit: <br />Sexual Abuse Aggregate Limit <br />$100,000 <br />A. Exoeptaecthemviseorovidodbythisendoroement,thispo|icydoesnotapplyto"bodi|yim]ury," <br />"property damage" or "personal and advertising i jmry^ caused by, based upon orahsing. in vvWeor <br />in part, mut of any: <br />1. Actual, threatened oralleged "sexual abuse" ur"sexual hanaoomonf';or <br />2. "Negligentemployment" ofany person who caused orcommits orisalleged tmhave caused or <br />committed "sexual abuse" or "sexual harassment." <br />As respects coverage afforded bythis endorsement, the following changes apply to the COMMERCIAL <br />GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM: <br />B. Paragraph 1. of Section | — Coverages — Coverage A — Bodily Injury And Property Damage <br />Liability is deleted and rep�aced by the following: <br />1. Insuring Agreement <br />a. VVewill pay those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated topay ms damages <br />because of"bodily i jury^towhichthininsonsmoeoppUes. VVewill have the right and duty k> <br />defend the insured against any ',euit'seeking those damages, including any "auiC'aUe0ing <br />that the "bodily injury" aroaeoutof"gexoa|abmne'^causednrc#nnmittedbytheiooured. <br />However, we will have no duty to defend or confinue to defend any insured against: <br />(1) any "suit"' seeking damages for "bodiiy injury" to which this insurance does not apply; <br />(2) any "suit" for which the insu:red is found to have in fact caused or committed an act of <br />"sexual abuse"; or <br />(3) any "suit" for which the insured has admitted to have in fact caused or committed an act <br />of"sexual abuee.^ <br />VVemay, etour discretion, investigateany ^oncumanoe°and settle any claim mr"mud"that <br />may result. But <br />(m) The amount we will pay for damages is limited as described in Section F — Limits Of <br />Insurance ofthis endoreenountand <br />. <br />(b) Our right and duty todefend ends when wehave used upthe applicable limit of <br />insurance imthe payment ofjudgments, net ememtsor"defenseaxpemaes'under <br />Coverages AorBormedical expenses under Coverage C. <br />No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or services is covered un|*ao <br />explicitly provided under Section D of this endorsement — Supplementary Payments — <br />Coverage /\and B. Reviewed by: <br />b. Th/oimounannamppUesho°bodNy/r�ury"on|yif� <br />Page 1 of S'|V^a Cuevas <br />