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THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br />BNanket Additional Insured Endorsement <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the foQowinQ� <br />COMMERCIAL GEN�ERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />SECTION U —VVHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include the following as an edddiume| imouned, but <br />only with respect to liability arising out of your operations, and in accordance with a required Certificate <br />of|meumanoe� <br />1. Managers, Owners or Lessors ofthe Premises Leased, Rented, mrLoaned toYou, but only with <br />respect to that part of the premises leased, rented or loaned to you subject to the following additional <br />This insurance does not apply hz� <br />a. Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises; <br />b. Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the <br />manager, owner or lessor of the premises; <br />n. Any design defect or structural maintenance of the premises or loss caused by a premises defect. <br />2. Lessor mfLeased Equipment, but only with respect hzliability for "bodily ijum'.°pnopedydemege^ <br />or "personal and advertising injury" oaused, in whole or in part. byyour maintenance, operation or use <br />of equipment leased to you by such person(s) or organization(s) subject to the following additional <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />Any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease expires. <br />3. Sponenme, but only with respect to their liability as sponsor to you. <br />4. Co -Promoters, but only with respect to their liability as a co — promoter to you <br />S- Subcontractors <br />6- Gran,turof Franchise, but only with respect to their liability as grantor mffranchise to you. <br />With respect to any additional insured covered under this poiicy, this insurance does not apply to the sole <br />negligence ofsuch additional insured. <br />Silvia Cuevas <br />