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The proposed amendment to SD -60 would not increase the maximum <br />level of development intensity permitted within the SD -60 <br />project area. Existing land uses and the proposed land uses to <br />be incorporated into SD -60 would operate at their current uses <br />and their current level of development intensity. <br />RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST <br />The following is an analysis of potential environmental impacts <br />associated with the proposed amendment to SD -60, based upon the <br />City of Santa Ana's Environmental Check List. <br />AESTHETICS <br />A. Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? <br />B. Damage scenic resources, including but not limited to <br />trees, rock outpourings and historic buildings within a <br />State highway? <br />No Impact <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element there are <br />no scenic resources within the SD -60 project area. Additionally, <br />there are no scenic resources along State Route 55 that would be <br />impacted by the proposed project. Approval of the proposed <br />amendment to SD -60 would not result in adverse impacts to any - -� <br />scenic vista or other aesthetic resources. <br />C. Substantially degrade the existing visual <br />quality of the site and it's surrounding? <br />D. Create a new source of substantial light o <br />would adversely affect day or nighttime views <br />No Impact <br />character or <br />- glare,_ which <br />in the area? <br />The proposed amendment to SD -60 would not involve any land use <br />changes or activities that would result in changes to the <br />aesthetic environment of the Auto Mall. As part of the proposed <br />project, the proposed amendment to SD -60 would establish <br />architectural and landscape standards to minimize aesthetic <br />impacts. <br />II. AGRICULTURE <br />A. Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of <br />Statewide Importance to non - agriculture use? <br />1 <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />4 <br />m, <br />