should be included in an Addendum or elsewhere in the record and must be supported by
<br />substantial evidence.
<br />In accordance with CEQA Guidelines 515164 the City of Santa Ana (tile "City ") has prepared this
<br />Addendum in response to the request by the project applicant (Lyon Communities) to allow the
<br />development of a total of 254 homes, including 240 homes in two 5 -story buildings west of an
<br />existing 4 level parking structure and 14, three -story townhomes along the south and east project
<br />boundaries, 2,424 square feet of retail space and recreational facilities approximately 5.1 acres at rile
<br />northeast corner of First Street and Cabrillo Park Drive. The proposed amenities for the recreation
<br />deck on the top level of the parking structure includes a 5,000 square foot club house, swimming
<br />pool, spa, fitness center, billiards and game room, outdoor fireplaces, barbeques, etc. Once
<br />completed, the project will provide a total of 555 parking spaces, including 527 spaces in the existing
<br />4level parking structure and 28 surface parking spaces throughout the site. CEQA authorizes a lead
<br />or responsible agency to prepare an Addendum to a previously adopted FIR if some changes or
<br />additions are necessary, but none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines 515162 requiring
<br />the preparation of a Subsequent FIR.
<br />III. Proposed Project and Environmental Documentation
<br />The proposed 1901 East First Street project proposes the development of 343,675 square feet of
<br />residential use (254 units) and 2,424 square feet of retail space on the same 5.1 acre site. The
<br />Proposed Project proposes 96,687 less square feet of residential and 6,476 square feet less of retail
<br />development than allowed by the approved First and Cabrillo Towers Project. 'Pile Proposed
<br />Project is consistent with and less dense than the square footage of residential and retail /commercial
<br />space allowed by the previously approved Project.
<br />All of the environmental impacts of the Proposed Project were determined to result in no impacts
<br />or less- than - significant impacts, or impacts were determined to be reduced to less - than - significant
<br />levels with the incorporation of the same mitigation measures that were recommended for
<br />incorporation into the approved Project. Impacts to Aesthetics, Agricultural, Biological, Cultural
<br />Resources, Geology, Hazards /Hazardous Materials, Hydrology, Land Use, MPineral Resources,
<br />Population /Housing, Public Services, Utilities and Recreation will have no impacts. Air Quality,
<br />Noise and Traffic impacts will be positive because they will be less impact than the Project.
<br />IV. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
<br />'I'be scope of this Addendum is to provide information in support of the development of 254
<br />homes, including 240 homes in two 5 -story buildings west of the existing 4 level parking structure
<br />and 14, three -story townhomes along the south and east project boundaries, 2,424 square feet of
<br />retail space and recreational facilities on approximately 5.1 acres at the northeast corner of First
<br />Street and Cabrillo Park Drive. The proposed amenities for the recreation deck on the top level of
<br />the parking structure includes a 5,000 square foot club house, swimming pool, spa, fitness center,
<br />billiards and game room, outdoor fireplaces, barbeques, etc. Once completed, the project will
<br />provide a total of 555 parking spaces, including 527 spaces in the existing parking structure and 28
<br />surface parking spaces throughout the site. Together, The Metro East Mixed Use Overlay Zone and
<br />First and Cabrillo Towers project FIR and this Addendum serve as due environmental review of the
<br />Proposed Project, as required pursuant to the provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines. The
<br />1901 East First Street — Addendum Page 5
<br />August 14, 2013
<br />