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The proposed Buff Dog Kennel will not be detrimental to <br />those working in the area as the kennel will operate within a <br />completely enclosed building, thereby minimizing potential <br />impacts such as noise on the surrounding tenants. <br />Conditions of approval have been incorporated into the <br />project approvals that will minimize impacts to the surrounding <br />industrial properties. <br />3. That the proposed use will adversely affect the present economic <br />stability or future economic development of properties surrounding <br />the area. <br />The expansion project will not adversely affect the economic <br />viability of the area. The proposed dog kennel will result in a <br />positive addition to the surrounding area and will <br />complement and improve the economic viability of the area <br />as the use will reoccupy a vacant industrial building, thereby <br />reducing the vacancy rate of the area and identifying the <br />area as a stable location for economic investment. <br />4. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and <br />conditions specified in Chapter 41 for such use. <br />The proposed project will be in compliance with all <br />applicable provisions of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code and all other provisions that are applicable <br />to a kennel use. <br />5. That the proposed use will adversely affect the General Plan or any <br />specific plan of the City. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br />The Buff dog Kennel is consistent with the General Plan's <br />Land Use Element goals and policies. Goal 1 promotes a <br />balance of land uses to address basic community needs, <br />Goal 2 promotes land uses which enhance the City's <br />economic and fiscal viability, and Goal 3 promotes <br />development that preserves and improves the character and <br />integrity of neighborhoods. <br />E. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act the <br />recommended action is exempt for further review per Section 15301. The <br />Class 1 exemption allows the licensing of existing facilities with no <br />expansion of the existing use. Categorical Exemption Environmental <br />Review No. 2012 -73 will be filed for this project. <br />Section 3. The Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana, after <br />conducting the public hearing, hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 2013 -42, as <br />conditioned in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, to allow a dog <br />kennel in the M1 zoning district for the property located at 2110 South Yale Street. This <br />decision is based upon the evidence submitted at the above said hearing, which <br />Resolution No. 2013 -28 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />