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exposed non - metallic sheathed cable is particularly hazardous; and that this <br />amendment is necessary to assure that adequate protection is provided in the <br />workplace and in other places of public gathering. <br />SECTION 33: That section 8 -942 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -942. Uses not permitted (Section 334.12), <br />Section 334.12 of the California Electrical Code is amended to read as follows: <br />Sec. 334.12. Uses Not Permitted. <br />(A) Types NM, NMC and NMS. Types NM, NMC and NMS cables shall <br />not be permitted as follows: <br />1. In any multifamily dwelling or other structure not specifically <br />permitted in 334.10(1), (2), and (3). <br />2. Exposed in dropped or suspended ceilings in other than one - <br />and two - family and multifamily dwellings <br />3. As service- entrance cable <br />4. In any nonresidential building or structure <br />5. In theatres and similar locations except where permitted in <br />518.4(B) <br />6. In motion picture studios <br />7. In storage battery rooms <br />8. In hoist ways or on elevators or escalators <br />9. Embedded in poured cement, concrete, or aggregate. <br />10. In hazardous (classified) locations, except where specifically <br />permitted by other articles in this Code. <br />(B) Types NM and NMS. Types NM and NMS cables shall not be <br />installed in the following: <br />1. Where exposed to corrosive fumes or vapors <br />2. Where embedded in masonry, concrete, adobe, fill, or plaster <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A-24 Page 22 of 67 <br />