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NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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11/26/2013 2:20:31 PM
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11/26/2013 1:52:41 PM
City Clerk
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View plain text All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with <br />asphalt or other corrosion - retarding material, prior to poly -tube, and after <br />installation. <br />Exception: Bolted joint accessories made from 304 or 316 stainless steel. <br />(f) Section is hereby added as follows: <br /> All bolts used in pipe -joint assembly shall be 316 stainless steel. <br />(g) Section is hereby deleted and replaced as follows: <br /> Where fire service mains enter the building adjacent to the foundation, <br />the pipe may run under a building to a maximum of 24 inches, as measured from <br />the interior face of the exterior wall to the center of the vertical pipe. The pipe <br />under the building or building foundation shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel and <br />shall not contain mechanical joints or it shall comply with 10.6.2. <br />(h) Section 10.6.4 is hereby revised as follows: <br />10.6.4 Pipe joints shall not be located under foundation footings. The pipe under <br />the building or building foundation shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel and shall <br />not contain mechanical joints. <br />SECTION 23: That section 8 -290 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -290. Adoption by reference. <br />There is adopted by the city that certain code known as the California Plumbing <br />Code, 2013 Edition, including the following appendices thereto: A, B, D, I and K, <br />(hereinafter referred to in this article as the "Plumbing Code "), together with subsequent <br />supplements or amendments, which shall become effective, adopted and incorporated <br />by reference into this Code on the date specified by the state building standards <br />commission, unless otherwise specified. The plumbing code is adopted and <br />incorporated by reference as fully set forth at length herein as provided for in section <br />419 of the Charter of the city, except for the changes to the plumbing code set forth in <br />this chapter of this Code that specifically amend the plumbing code. Any previously <br />enacted, unrepealed provision of this Code that amended a pre -2013 edition of the <br />"Plumbing Code" shall also be construed as amending the applicable provision of the <br />2013 or later edition of the plumbing code. The plumbing code as amended, together <br />with all other provisions of this article, shall be known as the city plumbing code. <br />SECTION 24: That section 8 -342 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -342. Suspended piping support (California Plumbing Code, Table 313.1). <br />Ordinance No. NS -2851 <br />Page 17 of 67 <br />
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