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NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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11/26/2013 1:52:41 PM
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sprinkler density of not less than that required for an Ordinary Hazard Group 2 <br />use, with no reduction(s) in density or design area. Warehouse fire sprinkler <br />systems shall be designed to Figure (d) curve "G ". Use is considered <br />undetermined if a specific tenant/occupant is not identified at the time the <br />sprinkler plan is submitted. Where a subsequent occupancy requires a system <br />with greater capability, it shall be the responsibility of the occupant to upgrade <br />the system to the required density for the new occupancy. <br />(5) Section is hereby added as follows: <br /> The available water supply for fire sprinkler system design shall be <br />determined by one of the following methods, as approved by the Fire Code <br />Official: <br />1) Subtract the project site elevation from the low water level <br />for the appropriate pressure zone and multiply the result by 0.433; <br />2) Use a maximum of 40 psi, if available; <br />3) Utilize the Orange County Fire Authority water -flow test <br />form /directions to document a flow test conducted by the local water <br />agency or an approved third party licensed in the State of California. <br />(6) Section is hereby revised as follows: <br />Section Where a waterflow test is used for the purposes of system <br />design, the test shall be conducted no more than 6 months prior to working plan <br />submittal unless otherwise approved by the authority having jurisdiction. <br />(b) NFPA 13R 2013 Edition, Installation of Sprinkler System in Residential <br />Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height is hereby amended as <br />follows: <br />(1) Section 6.16.1 is hereby revised as follows: <br />6.16.1 A local water -flow alarms shall be provided on all sprinkler systems and <br />shall be connected to the building fire alarm or water -flow monitoring system <br />where provided. Group R occupancies containing less than the number of <br />stories, dwelling units or occupant load specified in Section 907.2.8 of the 2010 <br />California Fire Code as requiring a fire alarm system shall be provided with a <br />minimum of one approved interior alarm device in each unit. Sound levels in all <br />sleeping areas shall be a minimum of 15 dBA above the average ambient sound <br />or a minimum of 75 dBA with all intervening doors closed, whichever is greater. <br />Alarms shall be audible within all other living areas within each dwelling unit. <br />When not connected to a fire alarm or water -flow monitoring system, audible <br />devices shall be powered from an uninterruptible circuit (except for over - current <br />protection) serving normally operated appliances in the residence. <br />Ordinance No. NS -2851 <br />Page 32 of 67 <br />
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