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NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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NS-2851 - Amending Chapters 8 and 14 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Adopt and Amend California Codes...
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11/26/2013 2:20:31 PM
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11/26/2013 1:52:41 PM
City Clerk
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5. Other unusual circumstances that make strict compliance with the <br />clearance of vegetation provisions undesirable or impractical. <br />(i) Section 323 Use of Equipment is hereby added as follows: <br />323 Use of equipment. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person <br />shall use, operate, or cause to be operated in, upon or adjoining any hazardous <br />fire area any internal combustion engine which uses hydrocarbon fuels, unless the' <br />engine is equipped with a spark arrester as defined in Section 323.1 maintained in <br />effective working order, or the engine is constructed, equipped and maintained for <br />the prevention of fire. <br />Exception: <br />1. Engines used to provide motor power for trucks, truck tractors, buses, an <br />passenger vehicles, except motorcycles, are not subject to this section if the <br />exhaust system is equipped with a muffler as defined in the Vehicle Code of <br />the State of California. <br />i <br />2. Turbocharged engines are not subject to this section if all exhausted gases <br />pass through the rotating turbine wheel, there is no exhaust bypass to the <br />atmosphere, and the turbocharger is in good mechanical condition <br />0) Section 323.1 Spark Arresters is hereby added as follows: <br />323.1 Spark arresters. Spark arresters shall comply with the following) <br />1. A spark arrester is a device constructed of nonflammable material specificallX <br />for the purpose of removing and retaining carbon and other flammable particles <br />over 0.0232 of an inch (0.58 mm) in size from the exhaust flow of an internal <br />combustion engine that uses hydrocarbon fuels or which is qualified and rated byj <br />the United States Forest Service. <br />2. Spark arresters affixed to the exhaust system of engines or vehicles subject to <br />Section 322 shall not be placed or mounted in such a manner as to allow flames o <br />heat from the exhaust system to ignite any flammable material. <br />(k) Section 324 Restricted Entry is hereby added as follows: <br />324 Restricted entry. The fire code official shall determine and publicly announce <br />when hazardous fire areas shall be closed to entry and when such areas shall <br />again be opened to entry. Entry on and occupation of hazardous fire areas, excep� <br />public roadways, inhabited areas or established trails and camp sites which have <br />not been closed during such time when the hazardous fire area is closed to entry; <br />is prohibited. <br />Ordinance No. NS -28511 <br />Page 41 of 6 <br />
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