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Allowable Costs Table <br />The cost items listed on the Allowable Costs sheet are the only costs that can be claimed for bill -payer funded energy <br />efficiency work. The costs reported should be only for costs actually expended. Any financial commitments are to be <br />categorized as commitments. If the reporting entity does not have a cost as listed on the cost reporting sheet, then no <br />cost is to be reported for that item. These Allowable Cost elements are to be used whenever costs are invoiced or <br />reported to the Company. If there is a desire to include additional Allowable Cost elements, the Company <br />Representative should be contacted in order for the Representative to seek approval from the CPUC. (Source: <br />Administrative Law Judge's Ruling on Reporting Requirements, Docket No. 01 -08 -028, February 21, 2006). Invoiced <br />costs will be used by all IOUs for recording expenses for the Energy Efficiency programs as per the adopted allowable <br />costs presented in the Attachment to the 2/21/06 ALJ ruling. Any accompanying costs breakdowns (or detail) shall <br />reflect consistent business costing and normal business operations reporting. (Source: Energy Division Workshop <br />Report.-Annual Reporting Requirements and Performance Basis, Docket No. 06 -04 -010, July 20, 2007, p. 13) <br />3/30/2006 <br />Cost Categories <br />Allowable Costs <br />Subcontractor Labor - Field Verification <br />Subcontractor Labor - Rebate Processing <br />Subcontractor - Rebate Applications <br />01 -01 -2013 Prop i c v c��nfidenlial Page E -15 <br />