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I <br />EX'a: SIT �A` <br />-LEGAL DESCAIP710N lX7RC. EXE',T 7.F.E1 <br />That portion of the City of Santa Ana, County of Crange, <br />State of California, bounded and described as follows: <br />Beginning at the centerline intersection of Parton Street, <br />60 feet wide, and Santa Ara boulevTed;`1'OB Meet wide; thence <br />y" 'and easterly along se id centerline of Santa Are <br />ouuievardoc the centerline of Broadway, 82 feet wide; thence <br />northerly alairg said cE'htecl'ine "oi Ereadway 672 feet, more or <br />lest, to the intersection of the prolongation of the north line <br />of Blocks C, D, and E of Spurgeon's Addition to Santa Ana as <br />per map recorded in Book 1, page 56 of Miscellaneous Naps, <br />records of said County; thence easterly along said prolongation <br />and said north line of Block`s t D,'arld E to the centerline of <br /> Stcee,t, 90 feet wide;.thence southerly along said center- <br />line of Hain Street to the cHIVt line of Eighth Street, 60 feet <br />wide; thence easterly along said b'enterline of Eighth Street to <br />the U,01- arline of Bush, 60 feet wide; thence southerly along <br />said centerline of Bush to the centerline of -Mnfa -Ana Boule- <br />vard, 60 feet wide; thsnce easterly along last said centerline <br />of Santa Ana Boulevard to'Ehe centerline of Spurgeon Street, 60 <br />feet wide; thence southerly along e'aid' centerline of Spurgeon <br />Street 155 feet; thence easterly 30 feet-to the northwest corner <br />pf I.,at 1 In Block 2 of the kui't_A6diticn to Santa Ana as per <br />map recorded in Book 9, page 91 of Miscellaneous Maps, records <br />of Los Angeles County, California; thence easterly along the <br />north line of last said LOt l and the easterly prolongation <br />thereof 410 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 2 in Block 3 of <br />said Fruit A�eiition; thence southerly along the east line of <br />last said Lot 2 and the s- cHFe�FT prolongation thereof to the <br />centerline of Fifth Street, 60 feet wide; thence easterly along <br />_, _ __ <br />Eaic3 "centerIi'ne _—of Fifth Street to the cent�tl'ils'e"of"FSCirtimer <br />Street, 6D feet widep thence southerly "along'siid centerline of <br />Mortimer Street to the centerline of Fourth Street, 80 feet <br />wide; thence westerly a'l6ng said centerline of Fourth Street to <br />the prolongation of the east-line of Block, 4 of &lee's Addition <br />as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, page 545 of Miscellaneous <br />Maps, records of Las Angeles County, California; thence southerly <br />along last said east line and the prolongations thereof to the <br />northeast corner of Lot 6 in Block 5 of said Blee's Addition, <br />being also a point on the south line of Third Street, 60 feet <br />wide; thence easterly along last said south line 14 feet; thence <br />southerly along a line.parallel and distant 14 feet easterly; <br />measured at right anglesiom' the east 'line iast sair7 -Lot -6 <br />to a point on the easterly prolongation of the south line of <br />said Lot 6; thence westerly 14 feet to the northeast corner of <br />Lot 5 in Block 5 of said Blee's Addition; thence southerly <br />along the east line of said Lot 5 in Block 5 and the southerly <br />prolongation thereof to the northeast corner of Block 6 of said <br />25J -36 <br />