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that the use will not negatively affect the surrounding <br />community. <br />2. Will the proposed use under the circumstances of the particular <br />case be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of <br />persons residing or working in the vicinity? <br />The proposed license for the on -sale consumption of beer <br />and wine at this location will not be detrimental to persons <br />residing or working in the vicinity because conditions have <br />been placed on the alcoholic beverage control license that <br />will mitigate any potential negative or adverse impacts <br />created by the use. In addition, the use will occur within the <br />premises and is incidental to the primary restaurant use. <br />3. Will the proposed use adversely affect the present economic <br />stability or future economic development of properties surrounding <br />the area? <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the economic <br />stability of the area, but will instead allow the restaurant to <br />compete with other nearby restaurants that also offer <br />alcoholic beverages for sale to their guests and other <br />visitors. Moreover, the offering of alcoholic beverages <br />allows the restaurant to remain economically viable and <br />contributes to the overall success of the small, <br />neighborhood - serving shopping center in which it is located, <br />helping to decrease the number of vacant tenant spaces that <br />may affect the economic viability of the site. <br />4. Will the proposed use comply with the regulations and conditions <br />specified in Chapter 41 for such use? <br />As conditioned, the proposed project will be in compliance <br />with all applicable regulations and conditions imposed on a <br />restaurant selling beer and wine pursuant to Chapter 41 of <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code and the guidelines <br />established by the Planning Commission for restaurants <br />selling alcohol with their meal. The facility has the kitchen <br />equipment necessary to be considered a bona fide <br />restaurant use and is eligible to obtain a restaurant related <br />alcoholic beverage control license. Additionally, the <br />restaurant will utilize 1.9 percent of the gross floor area for <br />the storage of alcoholic beverages, which is below the <br />maximum threshold established by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Resolution No. 2013 -07 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />