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NS-2850 - Approving an Amendment to the Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana and Lyon Housing (First Street)
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2850 - Approving an Amendment to the Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana and Lyon Housing (First Street)
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Last modified
1/13/2014 5:09:32 PM
Creation date
1/8/2014 4:04:51 PM
City Clerk
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The approved Phasing Plan must be implemented within six (6) months <br />after completion of the first phase (i.e., issuance of first Utility Release). <br />5.9 Inclusionary Housing. Owner shall produce and incorporate a total of <br />ten (10) low- income affordable units, including five (5) one - bedroom units <br />and five (5) two- bedroom units, within the Project pursuant to the terms <br />and regulations of Article XVIII.I of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code. <br />5.10 In -Lieu Park Development Fee. The Owner shall pay an in -lieu park <br />development fee in the amount of One Million Four Hundred Fifty <br />Thousand Dollars ($1,450,000) with respect to the Project ( "In -Lieu Park <br />Development Fee ") payable pro rata, which pro rata fraction shall be <br />determined based on a fraction the numerator of which is the total number <br />of residential units in a phase and the denominator of which is the total <br />number of residential units in the Project. The pro rata In -Lieu Park <br />Development Fee shall be paid prior to issuance of the building permit for <br />each phase. The City shall use said fees for new parkland, capital <br />improvements at existing parks, and deferred maintenance at existing <br />parks (up to a maximum of fifty percent of amount of the fee). If not used <br />or appropriated this fee shall be returned to Developer, consistent with the <br />provisions of (and subject to the exceptions contained within) the <br />California Mitigation Fee Act, Government Code § 66000 et seq. Owner <br />may propose in future an alternative in -lieu of the provisions of this section <br />which fully satisfies this requirement, and if such proposal is consistent <br />with City's park plans and standards, the City shall consider such proposal <br />in good faith; provided, however, that if approved such proposal shall be <br />the subject of an amendment to this First Amended and Restated <br />Development Agreement entered into pursuant to Government Code <br />section 65868. <br />5.11 Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. Owner may, at its sole <br />option, decide in the future to sell individual residential units as <br />condominiums. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the <br />Project, Owner shall provide to the City the proposed Covenants, <br />Conditions, and Restrictions ( "CC &R's ") to be recorded against the <br />Property for the condominiums. Those CC &R's must be approved by the <br />Planning and Building Agency's Executive Director (or the person acting in <br />the equivalent role if the title of the position is changed. The City's review <br />and approval of the CC &R's shall be limited to determining inclusion of the <br />following restrictions within the CC &R's: <br />067619A5448832v5 16 <br />
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