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addition to other remedies set forth in this Agreement, result in readjustment of the amount of funds <br />CITY is otherwise obligated to pay to SUBRECIPIENT hereunder. <br />D. Allowable Costs. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to complete said Project on or before <br />December 31, 2014 and to use said funds to pay for necessary and reasonable costs allowable under <br />the federal law and regulations to perform said Project. Said amounts shall include, but not be <br />limited to, wages, administrative costs, and employee benefits comparable to other similarly situated <br />employees. Other allowable project costs are detailed in, as set forth in the Statement of Work and <br />Capital Improvement Plan ( "Exhibit A ") attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall use all income received from said funds only for the same purposes for <br />which said funds maybe expended pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />E. Licensing. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to obtain and maintain all required licenses, <br />registrations, accreditation and inspections from all agencies governing its operations. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure that its staff shall also obtain and maintain all required licenses, <br />registrations, accreditation and inspections from all agencies governing SUBRECIPIENT's <br />operations hereunder. Such licensing requirements include obtaining a City business license, as <br />applicable. <br />F. Zoning. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that any facility /property used in furtherance of <br />said Project shall be specifically zoned and permitted for such use(s) and acfivity(ies). Should <br />SUBRECIPIENT fail to have the required land entitlement and /or permits, thus violating any local, <br />state or federal rules and regulations relating thereto, SUBRECIPIENT shall immediately make <br />good -faith efforts to gain compliance with local, state or federal rules and regulations following <br />written notification of said violation(s) from the CITY or other authorized citing agency. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall notify CITY immediately of any pending violations. Failure to notify CITY <br />of pending violations, or to remedy such known violation(s) shall result in termination of grant <br />funding hereunder. SUBRECIPIENT must make all corrections required to bring the <br />facility /property into compliance with the law within sixty (60) days of notification of the <br />violation(s); failure to gain compliance within such time shall result in termination of grant funding <br />hereunder. <br />G. Separation of Accounts. All funds received by SUBRECIPIENT from CITY <br />pursuant to this Agreement shall be maintained in an account in a federally insured banking or <br />savings and loan institution with record keeping of such accounts maintained pursuant to applicable <br />OMB Circular A -110 requirements. SUBRECIPIENT is not required to maintain separate <br />depository accounts for the CDBG FUNDS; provided however, the SUBRECIPIENT must be able <br />to account for receipt, obligation and expenditure of CDBG FUNDS pursuant to applicable OMB <br />Circular A -110 requirements. <br />H. Audit Report Requirements. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that if SUBRECIPIENT <br />receives Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) or more in federal funds, <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall have an annual audit conducted by a certified public accountant in <br />accordance with the standards as set forth and published by the United States Office of Management <br />and Budget. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide CITY with a copy of said audit by October 1 of the <br />year following the program year in which this Agreement is executed. <br />953911.1 <br />3 <br />