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POLICY NUhgIER; ACP78150§4878 COMMIMCI4n,UT6 <br />CA 20 4,s 0799 <br />THIS kDOR6EMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE (BEAD IT CAR4'l1LLY, <br />DESIGNAT O IN URE <br />This endorsement modifies Insat4noo provided under the following: <br />BUSINESS AUTO COVERA?13 FORM <br />f3Ak2gpE COVBRAOE F0 <br />' ?vK'x1i?rC1ARItTE2tCCVF'1ih61? ? <br />TRUCKERS COVERAGH F <br />W' t7tk respgct.t0 aovorage provided bythia ondorsoment, the provisions of tho Covora$e Form apply unless rno3i- <br />ed by "s endorsement <br />This.endbrsepaont idan#ies pe}'son(s) or arganizat[on(s) wbo aro Insureds dee iha VJ(ro Is <br />An Insured Pav sidn <br />of the Coverago Form T6Ir end rsament does cot alter coverage provided nuntl a Coverage Eonn, <br />This endorsement changes the p lacy aff'oadve an the inoaptlpn date of the policy unless another date is Indicates <br />below. <br />endorsement Effective; 2/20/l3'? ounrorsigned By;. <br />wmd Insured: , s.. <br />OPRO ROAD SERVICES e <br />SCHEDULE <br />vame or rerson(s) or uzgaui?ationpp <br />Tl Y OF SANTA ANA, IT'S OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AOENFS AND REPRESENTATIVES . <br />24 CIVIC CEN'T'ER PLA <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92701 <br />(If no entry appears above, Information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as <br />appiicabie to the endorsement.)' <br />Eackperaon or organizidan shown in the schedule is an insured for Liability Coverage, but only to the extent <br />thatporson or organization qualifies as an Insured under the Who Is An Insured Provision contained <br />in So'don n of the coverage Form. <br />APPROVED AS TO FORMT <br />yllk <br />Laura A, Rossini <br />A,ssistianf City Attorney <br />CA 20 48 0299Copyrigh4 In+ce Services Office, Ina, 1998 Page I of I q