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of right-of-way. In instances where there is less than 40 feet of right -of -way on <br />one side of the centerline, property will need to be acquired on that side even <br />if the alternative selected is for widening on the opposite side. <br />Proposed mid -block cross-sections, intersection geometries and bus turn -out <br />specifications are illustrated in Figures S, 5, and 7. <br />None of the three alternatives include provisions for on- street parking. This is <br />consistent with existing conditions and the City's policy for prohibiting on- <br />street parking on major arterials. <br />MINEW&MO ljffl I &I <br />After evaluating the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), the <br />various oral and written comments received on the DEIS, and following a <br />walk - through of the project area, the City Council selected a preferred <br />alignment for the widening of Bristol Street. The selected alignment consists <br />of a combination of the three widening alternatives described above, as <br />follows: <br />-- From Warner Avenue to Glenwood Place, widening would be from the <br />centerline, following the 'both sides" alignment. <br />-- From Glenwood Place to Edinger Avenue, widening would follow the <br />"west side only" alignment, to avoid any disturbance of the Mater Dei <br />High School site. <br />From Edinger Avenue to Washington Street, widening would follow the <br />"both sides" alignment. <br />-- From Washington Street to 17th Street, widening would follow the "east <br />side only" alignment, to avoid any disruption to the Rancho Santiago <br />Community College site. <br />-- Between 17th Street and the Santiago Creek bridge, widening would <br />follow the "west side only" alignment, to avoid any disruption to the <br />Santiago Elementary School and Bristol Reservoir sites. <br />The preferred alignment is illustrated in Figures 8A -8D, following. Right -of- <br />way requirements and residential and business displacement impacts associated <br />with the selected alignment are illustrated in Figures A through F in <br />Appendix A- <br />-Me preferred alignment was selected by the City of Santa Ana, on the basis of <br />a careful balancing of the social, environmental, and fiscal costs of the three <br />widening alternatives, and consideration of the City's Redevelopment Plan <br />goals and objectives. Since due to the Redevelopment Plan, the preferred <br />H -3 <br />