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The above explanation is general in nature and not <br />intended to be a complete explanation of relocation <br />regulations. Any questions concerning relocation <br />should be addressed to the Department of Transportation. <br />Any person to be displaced will be assigned a Relocation <br />Advisor, who will work closely with each displacee in <br />order to see that all payments and benefits are fully <br />utilized, and that all regulations are observed, thereby <br />avoiding the possibility of displacees jeopardizing or <br />forfeiting any of their benefits or payments. <br />III. BUSINESS AND FARM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br />The Business and Farm Relocation Assistance Program provides <br />for aid in locating a suitable replacement property, and <br />reimbursement for certain costs involved in relocation. <br />The Relocation Advisory Assistance Program will provide <br />current lists of properties offered for sale or rent <br />suitable for specific relocation needs. <br />The types of payments available to businesses, farms and non- <br />profit organizations can be summarized as follows: <br />(1) Moving expenses include the following actual <br />reasonable costs: The moving of inventory, <br />machinery, office equipment and similar business - <br />related personal property, dismantling, disconnecting, <br />crating, packing, loading, insuring, transporting, <br />unloading, unpacking, and reconnecting of personal <br />property. <br />