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*Mayor Pulido abstained on Agenda Item 25B and left the dais during the duration of <br />deliberation of matter. Mayor Pro Tern Tinajero assumed the Chair. <br />25B. AGMT NO. 2014 -028 - LICENSE EXTENSION AT CENTENNIAL PARK - Parks, <br />Recreation & Community Services Agency <br />Council discussion ensued. Mayor Pro Tern Tinajero noted that all comments <br />considered; area enjoys two public parks; education facility serves the <br />community well. Councilmember Benavides thanked speakers for comments; <br />City Council committed to education; questioned cost of park and parking lot <br />maintenance that is not absorbed in contract with Rancho Santiago Community <br />College (RSCCD); staff to negotiate short term extension to allow time to <br />negotiate new contract and include mitigation of maintenance costs; proposed <br />modified recommendation to direct staff to provide regular updates. <br />Councilmembers Amezcua and Reyna in support of recommended action. <br />Councilmember Reyna further noted that City Council needs to balance all <br />interest of the community with physical education and provide for an equitable <br />transfer with RSCCD. Councilmember Martinez commented that contract is <br />temporary; 20 Year Vision Plan through the General Plan will include <br />assessment of bike trails and open space. Councilmember Sarmiento noted <br />that Federal Government has Deed Restriction; need to identify new areas in the <br />City to expand; land for educational purposes has been granted by the City in <br />the past. City Manager Cavazos noted that park maintenance costs are not part <br />of current contract; goal is to bring back long term resolution in 18 months. <br />AMENDED MOTION: <br />1. Authorize the City Manager and Clerk of the Council to execute a <br />license extension agreement with Rancho Santiago Community College <br />District for five years ending November 5, 2019 at Centennial Park, <br />subject to non - substantive changes approved by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney. <br />2. Direct staff to provide bi- annual updates to the City Council and strive <br />to develop long -term solution within 18 months. <br />MOTION: Benavides <br />VOTE: AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSTAINED <br />AND NOT <br />PRESENT: <br />SECOND: Amezcua <br />Amezcua, Benavides, <br />Sarmiento, Tinajero (6) <br />None (0) <br />Pulido (1) <br />Martinez, Reyna, <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 OA-8 FEBRUARY 4, 2014 <br />