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cable manufacturer, is reached or at least every 30 inches. <br /> Secure cable at the top of every vertical run. <br /> Secure cable using a split mesh grip, which must bear the weight of <br />the cable. <br /> Cable may be secured to other structure members but not to other <br />cabling. <br />2.8.6. If a winch is used to pull cable during cable placement, monitor tension of <br />the cable. Hand pulls do not require monitoring. <br />2.8.7. Make circuitous pulls by back feeding or center pulling. <br />2.8.8. Cable media routing. Comply with the following: <br /> All communications cable or cable distribution bundles, when not <br />confined to existing conduit or other structured pathways such as <br />cable tray, shall be supported from the structural ceiling using open <br />J- supports or similar technology installed in the ceiling plenum <br />above suspended ceiling. <br /> Ceiling cable placement topology shall be, to the degree possible, <br />down main halls and corridors then spurred to the work area outlets. <br /> All cable shall be supported within 12 -18 inches on any conduit, <br />cable tray, or ladder rack entrance /exit point and support assemblies <br />shall be placed 48 -60 inches apart alternating measured center to <br />center in order to avoid the potential for harmonics. <br /> Support assemblies shall maintain cable at a minimum of 6 inches <br />above the suspended ceiling. At no time is cable to rest on <br />suspended ceiling "T bar supports or tile. <br /> Communications cable support assembly system shall remain <br />independent of all other equipment, cable, conduit, or suspended <br />ceiling tile support systems. <br /> Confirm clearances of at least 4 ft. from large motors or <br />transformers, 1 ft. from conduits and cables used for high voltage <br />(above 240 VAC single - phase) electrical power distribution and 5 <br />inches from fluorescent lighting. <br /> If cables must cross a fluorescent light fixture, crossing shall take <br />place at a right angle to the fixtures longitudinal axis, and clear <br />Page 14 of 24 <br />