(b) Any express warranty unauthorized by you;
<br />(c) Any physical or chemical change in the
<br />product made intentionally by the vendor;
<br />(d) Repackaging; except when unpacked solely
<br />for the purpose of inspection, demonstration,
<br />testing, or the substitution of parts under
<br />instructions from the manufacturer; and then
<br />repackaged in the original container;
<br />(e) Any failure to make such inspections,
<br />adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor
<br />has agreed to make or normally undertakes
<br />to make in the usual course of business, in
<br />connection with the distribution or sale of the
<br />products;
<br />(f) Demonstration, Installation, servicing or
<br />repair operations, except such operations
<br />performed at the vendor's premises In
<br />connection with the sale of the product;
<br />(g) Products which, after distribution or sale by
<br />you, have been labeled or relabeled or used
<br />as a container, part or Ingredient of any
<br />other thing or substance by or for the
<br />vendor; or
<br />(h) 'Bodily Injury" or "property , damage" arising
<br />out of the sole negligence of the vendor for
<br />Its own acts or omissions or those of its
<br />employees or anyone else acting on Its
<br />behalf. However, this exclusion does not
<br />apply to:
<br />(1) The exceptions contained In Sub-
<br />paragraphs (d) or (f); or
<br />(11) Such inspections, adjustments; tests or
<br />servicing as the vendor has agreed to
<br />make or normally undertakes to make in
<br />the usual course of - business, in
<br />connection. with the distribution or sale of
<br />the products,
<br />(2) This,, insurance does not apply to any Insured
<br />person or organization, from whom you have
<br />acquired such products, or any Ingredient, part
<br />or container, entering into; accompanying or
<br />containing such products.
<br />b. Lessors of Equipment
<br />(1) Any person or organization from whom you
<br />lease equipment; but only with respect to their
<br />liability for " bodiy. injury", ; "properly damage" or
<br />"personal and advertising injury caused, in
<br />whole or in part, by your maintenance, operation
<br />or use of equipment leased to you by such
<br />person or organization.
<br />(2) With respect to the Insurance afforded to these
<br />additional .Insureds : this insurance does not
<br />apply to any 'occurrence" which takes place
<br />after the equipment lease expires.
<br />c. Lessors of Land or Premises
<br />Any person or organization from whom you lease
<br />land or premises, but only with respect to liability
<br />arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of
<br />that part of the )and or premises leased to you.
<br />With respect ;to. the insurance afforded these
<br />additional insureds - the following additional
<br />exclusions apply:
<br />This insurance does not apply to:
<br />1. Any 'occurrence" which takes place after you
<br />cease to lease that land; or
<br />2. Structural alterations, new construction or
<br />demolition operations performed by or on behalf
<br />of such person ororganization. "
<br />d. Architects, Engineers or Surveyors
<br />Any architect, engineer, or surveyor, but only with
<br />respect to liability for "bodily injury", 'property
<br />damage" or 'personal and advertising injury"
<br />caused, in whole or, in 'part, by your acts or
<br />omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting
<br />on your behalf:
<br />(1) In connection with your premises; or
<br />(2). In the performance of your ongoing operations
<br />performed by you or on your behalf.
<br />With respect to the - insurance afforded these
<br />additional insureds, the following '^ additional
<br />exclusion applies:
<br />This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury",
<br />"property damage" or "personal and advertising
<br />injury" arising out of the rendering of or the failure
<br />to render any professional services by or for you,
<br />including:
<br />1. The preparing, approving, or falling to prepare
<br />or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions,
<br />reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or
<br />drawings and specificatlons; or
<br />2. Supervlsory; Inspection, architectural or
<br />engineering activities.
<br />e. Permits, Issued By State Or Political
<br />Subdivisions
<br />Any state or political subdivision, but only with
<br />respect to operations performed by you or on your
<br />behalf for which the state' or political subdivision
<br />has issued a permit.
<br />With respect to the insurance afforded these
<br />additional insureds, this Insurance does not apply
<br />t0:..
<br />(1) "Bodily injury", 'property damage" 'or, "personal
<br />and advertising injury" arising out of operations
<br />performed for the state or municipality; or
<br />(2) 'Bodily injury" or 'property damage" included
<br />within the "products - completed operations
<br />hazard ".
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