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r MGT of Ar e icCa Response ho the City of Sranici An--.a <br />Request for Proposal 13.035 for Mandated C of <br />C Calming Services (SB 90) <br />i XWHIT .ltl <br />,annual, New and Initial Claims: Preparation and Submission <br />r Establish schedule and approach needed to complete all annual claims due to the <br />state by February 15, 2011. This includes on-site Interviews with all applicable City <br />department personnel, <br />r- Identify new claims that are expected to become mandated programs during FY <br />2013 -201 4, and the departments likely to be affected by these claims. As part of this <br />step, MGT will provide early claim summaries and data collection requh•ements to <br />provide a head start, on documentation strategies, <br />r Work with the City, as now claiming Instructions are issued by the SCQ, to establish <br />schedules and approaches needed to complete all new or first -time clalms due <br />during the Fiscal Year. <br />r� Facilitate department interviews where staff describe how the City complies with <br />the specific mandated programs and assist the City to determine eligible costs based <br />on the following criteria: <br />The test claim's Statement of necislon <br />The California Commission on State Mandates approved Parameters and <br />Guidelines <br />The SCCYs clahmin& instructions <br />A How other agencies around the stato arc complying with anti interpreting the <br />mandate <br />r- Prepare all necessary dopartmorrt -wido ICRPs In accordance with OMB AM87, MGT <br />consultants have prepared thousarids of ICRPs over the past 25 years. We believe <br />that our experience has developed a depth of understanding that is unmatched in <br />the field, <br />r Prepare all eligible claims for die City's SB 90 programs, and review die claims for <br />completeness, propriety, and eligibility of costs, <br />r Perform a quality assurance review of the City's 313 90 claims to ensure that they <br />mush with the associated department ICRPs and verify that no direct costs are <br />double counted. <br />)� discuss any potential or ne=cessary changes with the appropriate >. City staff member, <br />>� Provide the completed claims and ICRPs to the City for review and signature at least <br />three weeks prior to the claiming deadline. <br />>~ File the signed claims with the SCCS prior to the deadline. <br />MGT <br />OF AMCPIC n. I,IC. <br />1 S � I %J' � �' li <br />T1',i_ <br />�h �'` ,1St* <br />