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Business Auto Policy <br />MGT of America, Inc. Policy 2043563501 <br />SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS <br />The following conditions apply in addition to the <br />Common Policy Conditions: <br />A. Lose Conditions <br />1. Appraisal For Physical Damage Loss <br />If you and we disagree on the amount of 'loss,' <br />either may demand an appraisal of the loss,' In <br />this event, each party will select a competent <br />appraiser. The two appraisers will select a <br />competent and impartial umpire. The appraisers <br />will stale separately the actual cash value and <br />amount of loss.' If they fall to agree, they will <br />submit their differences to the umpire, A <br />decision agreed to by any two will be binding. <br />Each party will: <br />a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and <br />b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal <br />and umpire equally. <br />If we submit to an appraisal, we will still retain <br />our right to deny the claim. <br />2. Duties In The Event Of Accident, Claim, Suit <br />Or Loss <br />We have no duly to provide coverage under this <br />policy unless there has been full compliance <br />with the following duties: <br />CA 00 0103 06 <br />(1) Promptly notify the police it the covered <br />'auto' or any of its equipment Is stolen. <br />(2) Take all reasonable slaps to protect the <br />covered 'auto' from further damage. <br />Also keep a record of your expenses for <br />consideration in the settlement of the <br />claim. <br />(3) Permit us to inspect the covered 'auto' <br />and records proving the 'loss' before Its <br />repair or disposlllon. <br />(4) Agree to examinations under oath at <br />our request and give us a signed <br />statement of your answers. <br />3. Legal Action Against Us <br />No one may bring a legal action against us <br />under this Coverage Form until: <br />a. There has been full compliance with all the <br />terms of this Coverage Form; and <br />b. Under Liability Coverage, we agree in <br />writing that the 'insured' has an obligation <br />to pay or until the amount of that obligation <br />has finally been determined by judgment <br />after trial. No one has the right under Ihfs <br />Policy to bring us into an action to <br />determine the 'Insureds' liability. <br />4. Loss Payment — Physical Damage Coverages <br />At our option we may: <br />a. Pay for, repair or replace damaged or stolen <br />property: <br />b. Return the stolen property, at our expense, <br />We will pay for any damage that results to <br />the 'auto' from the thaft; or <br />o. Take all or any part of the damaged or <br />stolen property at an agreed or appraised <br />value. <br />It we pay for the 'loss; our payment will include <br />the applicable sales tax for the damaged or <br />stolen property. <br />S. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against <br />Others To Us <br />It any person or organization to or for whom we <br />make payment under this Coverage Form has <br />rights to recover damages from another, those <br />rights are transferred to us. That person or <br />organization must do everything necessary to <br />secure our rights and must do nothing after <br />"accident' or 'loss' to impafrthom. <br />B. Caneral Conditions <br />1. Bankruptcy <br />Bankruptcy or insolvency of the 'insured' or the <br />lnsured's' estate will not relieve us of any <br />obligations under this Coverage Form. <br />2. Cone" nant, MisroP lesentatfon Or Fraud <br />This Coverage Form is void in any case of fraud <br />by you at aiffj)t �ft ,thls Colgrage <br />Copyright, ISO Properties, Inc., 2005 Page 7of 11 <br />LiSA C, Si ORCK <br />Assistant City Attorney l �� <br />D. In the event of 'accident,' claim, 'suit' or <br />loss,' you must give us or our authorized <br />representative prompt notice of the <br />'accident' or 'loss,' Include; <br />(1) How, when and where the 'accident' or <br />'loss' occurred; <br />(2) The Insured's' name and address; and <br />(3) To the extant possible, the names and <br />addresses of any injured persons and <br />witnesses. <br />b. Additionally, you and any other involved <br />'insured' must: <br />(1) Assume no obligation, make no <br />Payment ar incur no expense without <br />our consent, except at the 'insured's' <br />own cost. <br />(2) Immediately send us copies of any <br />request, demand, order, notice, <br />summons <br />or legal paper received <br />concerning the claim or 'suit.' <br />(3) Cooperate with us in the investigation <br />or settlement of the claim or defense <br />against the "suit.' <br />(4) Authorize us to obtain medical records <br />or other pertinent information. <br />(6) Submit to examination, at our expense, <br />by physicians of our choice, as often as <br />we reasonably require. <br />C. It there is 'loss- to a covered 'auto' or its <br />equipment you must also do the following: <br />CA 00 0103 06 <br />(1) Promptly notify the police it the covered <br />'auto' or any of its equipment Is stolen. <br />(2) Take all reasonable slaps to protect the <br />covered 'auto' from further damage. <br />Also keep a record of your expenses for <br />consideration in the settlement of the <br />claim. <br />(3) Permit us to inspect the covered 'auto' <br />and records proving the 'loss' before Its <br />repair or disposlllon. <br />(4) Agree to examinations under oath at <br />our request and give us a signed <br />statement of your answers. <br />3. Legal Action Against Us <br />No one may bring a legal action against us <br />under this Coverage Form until: <br />a. There has been full compliance with all the <br />terms of this Coverage Form; and <br />b. Under Liability Coverage, we agree in <br />writing that the 'insured' has an obligation <br />to pay or until the amount of that obligation <br />has finally been determined by judgment <br />after trial. No one has the right under Ihfs <br />Policy to bring us into an action to <br />determine the 'Insureds' liability. <br />4. Loss Payment — Physical Damage Coverages <br />At our option we may: <br />a. Pay for, repair or replace damaged or stolen <br />property: <br />b. Return the stolen property, at our expense, <br />We will pay for any damage that results to <br />the 'auto' from the thaft; or <br />o. Take all or any part of the damaged or <br />stolen property at an agreed or appraised <br />value. <br />It we pay for the 'loss; our payment will include <br />the applicable sales tax for the damaged or <br />stolen property. <br />S. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against <br />Others To Us <br />It any person or organization to or for whom we <br />make payment under this Coverage Form has <br />rights to recover damages from another, those <br />rights are transferred to us. That person or <br />organization must do everything necessary to <br />secure our rights and must do nothing after <br />"accident' or 'loss' to impafrthom. <br />B. Caneral Conditions <br />1. Bankruptcy <br />Bankruptcy or insolvency of the 'insured' or the <br />lnsured's' estate will not relieve us of any <br />obligations under this Coverage Form. <br />2. Cone" nant, MisroP lesentatfon Or Fraud <br />This Coverage Form is void in any case of fraud <br />by you at aiffj)t �ft ,thls Colgrage <br />Copyright, ISO Properties, Inc., 2005 Page 7of 11 <br />LiSA C, Si ORCK <br />Assistant City Attorney l �� <br />