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ARCHITECT MILFORD WAYNE DONALDSON FAIA <br />March 1, 2014 <br />Mayor Miguel Pulido and City Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />P.O. Box 1988, M -31 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Re: Sexlinger Orchard and Farmhouse Preservation <br />Honorable Mayor Pulido and Council Members: <br />The Sexlinger Orchard and Farmhouse is a rare, intact example of an historic citrus farm <br />in an area that is struggling to protect the last vestiges of its rich, nationally important <br />agricultural history. In my capacity as the California State Historic Preservation Officer <br />(SHPO) I encouraged the Council to preserve the Sexlinger Orchard and Farmhouse <br />because of its eligibility to both the National Register of Historic Places and the <br />California Register of Historic Resources. I commend the Council for recognizing the <br />importance of the Sexlinger Orchard and Farmhouse complex as a "Key" historic <br />resource under the Santa Ana Municipal Code in 2012. <br />First, let me explain my interest in the Sexlinger property as an historic resource. I <br />served as the California SHPO from 2004 until 2012, during which time I was <br />responsible for the full range of state -wide historic resources. I also served as the <br />executive secretary of the State Historical Resources Commission, which is responsible <br />for identifying, registering and preserving California's cultural heritage. I have served as <br />the Chair of the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation (ACHP) since 2010, with <br />responsibilities for implementing the National Historic Preservation Act with federal, <br />state, local and tribal governments. I am a member of the College of Fellows of the <br />American Institute of Architects (AIA). I have more than 35 years of experience in <br />historic preservation, renovation and adaptive reuse, with extensive experience in <br />interpretation and application of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the <br />Treatment of Historic Properties. I have also taught and lectured widely on historic <br />preservation and preservation architecture for many years. <br />As explained in my previous letter, the Sexlinger property is important because it retains <br />all elements of its historic agricultural use, including the farmstead, outbuildings and the <br />original orchard in its entirety. I understand the City is currently evaluating a proposal to <br />retain the Farmhouse in place, but to allow demolition of more than 95 percent of the <br />4100FOLSOMBLVD Unit5D, SACRAMENTO, CA95819 9165328004 <br />