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1998 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERIOR DESIGNERS (ASID) INTERIOR <br />DESIGN EXCELLENCE AWARD, SECOND PLACE (TIE), COMMERCIAL <br />PROJECT LARGER THAN 1,500 SQ. FT. <br />House of Hospitality, Historic Reconstruction <br />1998 ILLUMINATION DESIGN AWARDS (IIDA), IES ILLUMINATION DESIGN <br />AWARD <br />House of Hospitality, Historic Reconstruction <br />1998 ILLUMINATION DESIGN AWARDS, SPECIAL WATERBURY CITATION, <br />HISTORICAL REPLICATION OF ORIGINAL EXTERIOR ILLUMINATION, <br />INTERNATIONAL <br />House of Hospitality, Historic Reconstruction <br />1997 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, SAN DIEGO CHAPTER, <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD, FOR DISTINGUISHED <br />CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PRESERVATION OF THE CULTURAL <br />HERITAGE. <br />Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIR <br />1997 AIA CITATION AWARD - SAN DIEGO CHAPTER AIA, FOR OUTSTANDING <br />CONTRIBUTION IN DESIGN <br />Guajome Ranch <br />1996 MERIT AWARD - SAN DIEGO CHAPTER AIA <br />Greater Mid -City Historic Preservation Strategy <br />Jury Comments: "This project has multiple ways of being useful and hoped it is the <br />beginning of more documentation of the city's urban history. This project gives a <br />valuable gift to San Diego." <br />1996 CITATION AWARD - SAN DIEGO CHAPTER AIA, FOR ADAPTIVE REUSE <br />Americanization School <br />Jury Comments: The jury praised Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA, Inc. <br />and the City of Oceanside for not overdoing the renovation, and leaving its <br />character intact. "The client didn't do too much, just enough to keep the wonderful <br />things." "The use of neighborhood teenage volunteers to help with the renovation <br />gave the whole community a pride of ownership." <br />1996 AIA ORCHID AWARDS - SAN DIEGO CHAPTER AIA <br />Guajome Ranch, for Exceptional Historic Preservation <br />Jury Comments: "Great! Looks like the new neighbors will be arriving and <br />moving in any day. " <br />Vallecito Stage Station for Exceptional Historic Preservation <br />Jury Comments: "An orchid blooming in the desert, watered by a lot of volunteer <br />sweat. Open for business." <br />Santa Margarita Rancho Chapel for Exceptional Historic Preservation <br />Jury Comments: 'A phoenix rising from the ashes. It's a wonderful job of <br />rebuilding. What a difference a few good marines make." <br />Greater Mid -City Historic Preservation Strategy, Award for Planning <br />Jury Comments: " The 'Stitch in time saves nine' award. Like extinction of a <br />species, once a historic site is gone, its gone forever. The community needs to know <br />about the historical sites in not only the mid -city, but the whole county" <br />12 <br />