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COAST SURVEYING, INC. <br />i%UftRKWAY Lb &_,U,6L4U (YJ4181U-8268 EAAl((72a18. M <br />www.00astsurve, <br />• Numerous Street Rehabilitation Projects in the City of Santa Ana for the City of <br />Santa Ana. Over the last four years, work consisted of design surveys, computations, <br />and construction staking for curbs, driveways, and roadway surface for numerous street <br />rehabilitation areas throughout the City of Santa Ana. <br />• Avenue H from 2Wh Street West to 26s" Street West in Lancaster for the City of <br />Lancaster through Harris & Associates, Inc. Work consisted of construction staking <br />for street and bridge widening over both State Route 14 and Amargoss Creek Channel. <br />Also Included slope staking and final staking for freeway on /off ramps as well as staking <br />for street widening. <br />• Route 91 Freeway from 1.15 Freeway to McKinley Street in Corona for the <br />Riverside County Transportation Commission, Work consisted of construction <br />staking for freeway widening, addition of auxiliary lanes, retaining walls, and slope <br />staking. <br />• Bristol Street 11-405 Interchange in Costa Mesa, California for the City of Costa <br />Mesa thru Kasler Corporation. Work consisted of construction staking for three new <br />on -off ramps, bridge widening on Bristol Street over the 405 Freeway and widening of <br />Bristol Street north and south of the freeway, <br />• Route 241 Freeway (Foothill Corridor) - Portola Parkway to Lake Forest Drive In <br />Lake Forest, California for the Transportation Corridor Agencies thru Ebenstsiner <br />Co. Work consisted of construction staking of 1,7 mites of new freeway (Foothill <br />Corridor) being constructed by the Orange County Transportation Corridor Agencies to <br />Caltrans° specifications and standards; rough grade /slope stakes for both sides and <br />centerline of freeway, eight ramps, access roadway, SCE line, and developer borrow <br />sites; layout stakes for box culverts, R.C.P., pre -cast concrete drain lines, and drain <br />inlets; finish grade offset stakes for both sides of eastbound and westbound roadways, <br />centerline, eight ramps, Lake Forest Chive and Portola Parkway; layout stakes for <br />overhead sign pole foundations; aerial photogrammetric mapping; offset stakes for <br />settlement platforms; settlement plate monitoring; construction layout for six bridges <br />consisting of bridge cone grade stakes for abutments, layout stakes for abutments and <br />wingwails, edge of deck lines on soffit, edge of deck lines on overhang, and locate and <br />grade three steel dowels per station on 25 feet stationing; staking for fence on right -of- <br />way; topographic; surveys in field and produce contour mapping; prepare slope stake <br />listing; monitor cracks in finished slopes; final monumentation; and vertical and <br />horizontal control. <br />25E -64 <br />