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Surveying, Inc. He is highly skilled at performing topographic mapping, Right-of-Way surveys, boundary <br />surveys, centerline surveys, control surveys, utility locations, and monumentation. He has worked on <br />contracts directly for, or in support of, many federal, state and local agencies including the Counties of Los <br />Angeles and Orange, the U.S. Forest Service, various U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts, the U.S. Navy - <br />Southwest Division, and Caltrans Districts 5,8,7,8,9,11& 12. <br />Mr. Darling is very knowledgeable of AutoCAD and MicroStation digital mapping requirements for numerous <br />agencies in both English and Metric formats. He is also well versed in integrating field survey data files and <br />photogrammetric mapping digital Files as well as converting fifes from AutoCAD to MfcroStation. <br />Mr. Darling has a Bachelor of Science degree in Surveying from Purdue University. Mr. Darling is an expert <br />in survey calculations and data manipulation, especially in MicroStation and AutoCAD digital formats. <br />COAST SURVEYING, INC. <br />EXPERIENCE <br />State Route 551 interstate 5 Freeway Interchange in Orange <br />County — GPS Control, right of way surveys, monumentation, <br />Records of Surveys and Caltrans Monumentatlon Maps for <br />Caltrans District 12, <br />Corcoran State Prison In Corcoran, CA — Design surveys <br />aerial mapping, boundary surveys, monumentation Record of <br />Survey and legal descriptions for 25 square mile Phase ll <br />expansion for CA Department of Corrections. <br />State Route 91 Freeway from Magnolia Avenue In Riverside <br />County to State Route 57 in Orange County — 24 mile long <br />design survey for RCTC. <br />March Air Force Base Realignment and Closure Program <br />Utilities and Roads in Riverside -Photo control and aerial <br />photogrammetric mapping, design surveys of existing roads <br />ovate axistin utilities, and combine field surveys and aerial <br />mapping for Sacramento District, Corps of Engineers. <br />State Route 55 Freeway from State Route 22 to State Route <br />91 in Orange Count — vertical and horizontal control, GPS <br />suroays, photo control, design surveys, utility surveyys right of <br />way surveys and Caltrans Right of Way mapping for U81 <br />San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (State Route 73) <br />from Jamboree Road to Interstate 5 Freeway in Orange <br />County - Design surveys, legal descriptions and sketches, <br />topographic map ing, and quality assurance surveys for freeway <br />construction for 1pCA. <br />Nicholas Canyon Beach Access Road In Malibu — Design <br />surveys, photo control, and aerial mapping for the LA County <br />Department of Public Works. <br />Atlantic Avenue from Alondra Blvd, to McMillan Street in <br />Compton — Design surveys and to ographic mapping for 1,2 <br />miles of arterial highway for the LA Cpounly Department of Public <br />Works. <br />Golden Eagle Refinery Site Cleanup in Carson - As -built <br />surveys prior to construction activities, topographic surveys, <br />mapping and volume determinations for numerous excavation <br />and stock pile areas as cleanup activities progressed for Earth <br />Technology Corporation. <br />25E -69 <br />