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COAST SURVEYING, INC. <br />Airport Metro Connector through Connect LAX through <br />Connect LAX (PS and STV Joint Venture) -2011 to present, as <br />a Chainman. The project is 2 square miles of very complex and <br />busy LAX. Work consisted of performing design surveys, aerial <br />mapping, Right-of -Way mapping. <br />Metro Downtown Los Angeles Streetcar Restoration through <br />HDR, Inc, -2011 to present, as a Chainman, The project is 3.8 <br />miles long in the very dense and complex area of Downtown LA. <br />Due to the hundreds of high rise buildings, Work consisted of <br />performing control network, design surveys, aerial mapping, and <br />Right -of -Way mapping, <br />Metro Interstate -716 North Segment Utility Study through <br />HDR, Inc. -2012 to present, as a Chainman, The project is 8 <br />miles long. Work consisted of performing design surveys, aerial <br />mapping, Right -of -Way mapping. <br />Metro Soundwalls- Package 2 through CH2M Hill -2012 to <br />present, as a Chainman. The project was 5 miles long along the <br />SR 170. Work consisted of performing control network, mobile <br />scanning, pothole survey, aerial mapping and design surreys. <br />25E -72 <br />