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WHEREAS, several lawsuits have been filed in other jurisdictions challenging the <br />application of the JUT to certain telephone /telecommunication services as a result of <br />outdated ordinance definitions or references to outdated federal laws; and <br />WHEREAS, the different rulings in these cases has caused some ambiguity in <br />the City's application of its UUT to telephone and other telecommunications services <br />which could result in the elimination of 37% or more of the City's UUT revenue, <br />amounting to over $9 million of loss general fund revenue per year; and <br />WHEREAS, a number of telephone companies are applying the City's UUT <br />inconsistently due to outdated definitions and legal uncertainty, exposing the City to <br />refund claims and legal challenges regarding inconsistent application of the City's <br />telephone communications tax; and <br />WHEREAS, without immediate voter approval of the City's telephone <br />communications UUT, the City will increase its exposure to claims for refunds on the <br />City telephone communications UUT that could adversely affect its budget; and <br />WHEREAS, without immediate voter approval of the City's telephone <br />communications UUT, the City's budget could be vulnerable to serious financial <br />shortfalls due to adverse court rulings (existing and /or imminent) regarding the City's <br />telephone communications UUT that cannot be covered by current City reserves or by <br />readily available alternative revenue sources; and <br />WHEREAS, such financial shortfalls may force the reduction of essential <br />municipal services, which will endanger the health, safety and general welfare of the <br />City and its citizens; and there is a need to amend the UUT in order to maintain funding <br />for City services at existing levels for the health, safety and general welfare of the <br />citizens of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires reasonable certainty in the collection and receipt of <br />its UUT and budgetary planning; consistent application of its telephone communications <br />UUT; and the elimination of current risks associated with its existing telephone <br />communications UUT: and <br />WHEREAS, on November 6, 1996, the voters of the State of California approved <br />Proposition 218 (California Constitution, Article XIIC), an amendment to the State <br />Constitution which requires that all general taxes which are imposed, extended or <br />increased must be approved by a majority vote of the voters; and <br />WHEREAS, the amendments proposed may be characterized as an imposition <br />or extension of the UUT under Proposition 218; and <br />WHEREAS, Proposition 218 permits the City Council to call an election to <br />impose, increase or extend a general tax; and <br />Resolution No. 2014 -XXX <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />50A -10 <br />